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Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church?
The Reformation Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church?

2 Causes of the Reformation
Catholic Pope has influence over most European monarchs 1400s: Renaissance emphasizes secular (non-religious) ideas Printing Press (Gutenberg) made it easy to spread those ideas 1500s: Catholic Monk Martin Luther challenges corruptness of church. Luther from a German state part of the Holy Roman Empire VQ: Why was Luther disgusted by his trip to Rome? Catholic Church sells indulgences (forgiveness) VQ: How does the church use fear to sell indulgences? Luther writes 95 Theses VQ: How are Luther’s ideas spread? 95 Theses 1. no selling indulgences 2. no purgatory 3. Write bible in people’s native language, 4. Bible is final authority, not Pope

3 A New Religion Pope has Emperor Charles V to put Luther on trial Pope excommunicates Luther, his followers start new religion Protestantism, violence ensues VQ: How does Luther feel about violence in “his name”? Holy Roman Empire torn apart when parts of Empire follow the new religion VQ: How do the Princes stand up to the HR Emperor? Due to Reformation, Catholic Church makes changes known as Counter-reformation Results: No indulgences Bible can be printed in other languages Schools & inquisition formed to teach/enforce new rules

4 England Becomes Protestant
Henry VIII, King of England & Wales is a devout Catholic Henry’s only child is a daughter, Mary. Henry feels women are too weak to be rulers, wants a son Problem: Wife Catherine is 42. Solution: have marriage annulled (cancelled). Problem: Pope refuses Solution: Henry asks Parliament to pass law ending Pope’s power in England Catholic Church replaced by Anglican Church – King is head of the Church 2nd wife, Anne Boleyn gives him another daughter, Elizabeth Henry charges Anne with treason and she is arrested & later beheaded

5 Voices From the Past: King Henry VIII
Third wife, Jane Seymour finally gives him a son, Edward Henry will marry three more times Voices From the Past: King Henry VIII Listen to the CD and answer the following questions in your notes: Who was Anne Boleyn? What happened to Jane Seymour, wife #3? How did Henry find wife #4, what happened when they met? What happened to wife #5, Catherine Howard? What is Henry’s legacy?

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