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Mathematical Practices

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematical Practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematical Practices
NCTM Process Standards +Mathematical Proficiency Strands Mathematical Understanding

2 Process Standards Communication Problem Solving Connections
Representations Reasoning and Proof

3 Communication

4 Problem Solving: Buying Slippers

5 How are the following terms connected?
Connections 1 How are the following terms connected? Square Parallelogram Rectangle Rhombus Quadrilateral

6 Representations The Game of Pig! ks1/maths/dice/

7 Reasoning: Why ? Why do you invert and multiply when you divide fractions? Why can’t you divide by zero?

8 When are we ever going to use this stuff?

9 National Research Council’s Proficiency Strands
Adaptive Reasoning Strategic Competence Conceptual Understanding Procedural Fluency e.htm Productive Disposition

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