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Expectations Students are responsible for all missing assignments.

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations Students are responsible for all missing assignments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expectations Students are responsible for all missing assignments.
Students are to be prepared everyday for class with assignments and materials. Students should get the phone number of at least ONE person in each class.

2 Materials Three ring binder with loose leaf paper
Pen- blue or black only Highlighter Notes & other handouts

3 Curriculum We uncover 13 topics.
Please keep notes and handouts safe to help review for the final exam. TASK is available.

4 Curriculum cont. In addition to the curriculum: DBQs Research Projects
Essays Tests Studying techniques

5 Homework & Assignments
Incomplete or missing homework will not be accepted. Projects and DBQs will be accepted up to 1 week after due date but will receive a grade reduction each day of 5-10 pts.

6 Homework & Assignments, cont.
Homework is completed when it is: 1. RECORDED correctly during class 2. EXECUTED and completed at home 3. RETRIEVED in class the next day

7 Homework & Assignments, cont.
Each week, homework and assignments will be posted on as well as on the board. Each class has a different group code Period 1: pxqtr4

8 Tests Tests will be every 2-3 weeks. Quizzes are given the weeks without a test. Tests are announced on 1st day of the unit. If absent the day of a test, it must be made up the day they return to school.

9 How you can help your 8th grade student?
You should: Check their planner everyday. Review their homework. Check for test/quiz grades every week. Parent Portal will be available to help you. Ask for test/quiz dates.

10 Don’t forget to buy your yearbooks
Don’t forget to buy your yearbooks!!!! Students are available outside both offices to help you purchase a book or you can buy online.

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