“Lingo” of Podcasting MP3 Player – is a portable device that is usually smaller than a cassette tape. Often associated with downloading music from the.

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Presentation on theme: "“Lingo” of Podcasting MP3 Player – is a portable device that is usually smaller than a cassette tape. Often associated with downloading music from the."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Lingo” of Podcasting MP3 Player – is a portable device that is usually smaller than a cassette tape. Often associated with downloading music from the internet, stores, organizes, and plays digital music files. An iPod is an example of a MP3 Player. Podcasting is derived from two words: iPod and Broadcast. RSS – Real simple syndication

3 Podcasting in Plain English

4 What is Podcasting? A Podcast is a web feed of audio or video files placed on the Internet to which anyone can subscribe

5 What is Podcasting? A Podcast is different from a simple download or streaming because the subscription feed automatically delivers new content

6 What is Podcasting? Podcasting's essence is creating content (audio or video) for an audience that wants to experience: What they want When they want Where they want How they want It became popular in 2004

7 Types of Podcasts Basic Podcasts are formatted audio files, typically mp3 or AAC .mp3 files are familiar to everyone Tracks on iTunes are .mp3’s. .AAC is another music file format. .AAC is the file format in Audacity, which is the software used to create podcasts on a PC.

8 Where Do I Find Podcasts?
iTunes Music Store

9 Some Educational Uses Recorded Lectures, Class Discussions, Verbal Feedback Field Recording Guest Speakers such as Book Discussion with Author Audio Books Differentiated Instruction-Enhanced Support for Individual Learning Preferences and Needs Asynchronous/Just-In-Time Learning Frequently Asked Questions Homework Tips Current Events for Social Studies, etc. How-To’s Distance Learning Self-Paced Learning Remediation of Slower Learners Extra Content for Advanced Learners Multilingual Education Bridging the Cultural/Generational Gap Student/Teacher Creativity Assist Auditory Learners ESL Record Feedback for Student Presentations Self Evaluation of Lecture Content Portable Access to Content… Speeches, Songs, Foreign Language Study Support Tool – Repeated Listening Reduced Dependence on Physical Materials and Computer Lab and Library Hours Greater Students Engagement and Interest Professional Development for Educators

10 What Do I need to listen to Podcasts?
Hardware A PC or Mac Optional - portable media player Software An Aggregator – This is software that manages your podcast subscriptions and downloads new content to your computer A Media Player – This is software that plays the downloaded podcasts iTunes is highly suggested It is free It acts as both the aggregator and media player








18 First… Create a script

19 Be sure to include an…

20 Intro Monologue (15-45 seconds)
1. You must create an introductory monologue, it should only be seconds long.

21 Who are you? Your Script:
Introduce yourself. Let the audience know who they are listening to. Write your introductory script here. Make sure to write everything you are going to say.

22 What you’re going to talk about?
Your Script: Introduce your topic. You could say something like “Today we are going to discuss.. 2. Write your introduction here. These are the actual lines you are going to be recording.

23 Intro Music Jingle (25-45 seconds)
1. The Intro music jingle should only be about seconds longs. Don’t let it become too overpowering.

24 What feel of music do you want?
Your Notes: For example you can have broadcast news. Your ideas for different bits of introductory music.

25 The jingle can play in the background of your intro monologue.
Your Script: Just remember to adjust the volume level, so that it doesn’t overpower the speaker.

26 Show Content/Topic (3-4 minutes)

27 What is your topic? Your Script:

28 How will you deliver the content
How will you deliver the content? (Talk Show, How to, PSA, Interview,…) Your Script: Think about how you will deliver your content. What type of format? Will you use a Talk Show, Radio Show, How to, PSA, Interview etc. 2. Then write your script for your show. Write lines for each person in your group.

29 Closing Remarks (1-2 minutes)
1. Don’t forget to say goodbye, hasta la vista etc.

30 Thank guests Your Script:
1. Thank your guest for making an appearance, and invite them to return.

31 Talk about the next show
Your Script: What will be your topic for the next podcast? Remember to detail your script accurately.

32 Thank your audience Your Script:
Thank your listening audience, and remind them to stay tuned for the next installment of the shcw, program, etc. 2. Write your script clearly

33 Closing Music Jingle 1. Insert closing music jingle for your podcast.


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