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Macromolecules Introduction

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1 Macromolecules Introduction 􀁡Four classes 􀁠carbohydrates 􀁠proteins
􀁠lipids 􀁠*nucleic acids * not studied

2 Carbohydrates CHO 􀁡glycosidic linkage is between 2 sugars groups
􀁠monosaccharides 􀁠disaccharides 􀁠*oligosaccharides(not studied) 􀁠polysaccharides

3 Carbohydrates, cont. 􀁡Monosaccharides􀁠glucose, fructose, galactose
􀁡Disaccharides􀁠maltose (glucose-glucose)􀁠lactose (glucose-galactose)􀁠sucrose (glucose-fructose) 􀁡Polysaccharides enzymes 􀁠starch (potato starch maltose)

4 Carbohydrates Reducing Sugars Redox 􀁠red = reduction (gain electrons)
􀁠ox = oxidation (lose electrons) 􀁡reducing sugar - reducing agent, donates electrons to reduce a molecule 􀁠all monosaccharides, some disaccharides

5 Benedict’s Test for Red. Sugars
Cu ++ with red. Sugar gives Cu + + (reduced) and Sugar(ox) Benedicts 􀁡Procedure:boil solution for 3 minutes(2ml substance + 2ml Benedict’s) 􀁡􀁠 blue -ve 􀁠 green + 􀁠 yellow ++ 􀁠 orange +++ 􀁠 red/brown++++

6 Proteins CHON 􀁡monomer 􀁠amino acid, 20 􀁡amino acid structure
􀁠central C atom, amino group, carboxyl group, H atom, R group 􀁡peptide bond is between 2 a.a.

7 Carbohydrates Iodine Test for Starch
Procedure:􀁡1 ml Iodine + 2 ml substance 􀁡results 􀁠blue-black +ve 􀁠yellow-brown-ve

8 Biuret Test for Proteins
􀁡Procedure Mix 2ml substance + 2 ml Biuret 􀁡results 􀁠light blue - ve 􀁠slight purple + 􀁠deep violet ++

9 Sudan IV Test Procedure 􀁡oil + water = emulsion
􀁡add Sudan IV, which layer does it stain? 􀁡add detergent (emulsifier), what happens? 􀁠oil droplets are suspended in water

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