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Covenants Chapter 4.

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1 Covenants Chapter 4


3 II. Covenant beginnings…
A. Creation 1. GN 1-2:4A…. 1st Creation story – people rule over the earth -Priestly tradition -God created everything – He is the Creator – He admires/prizes all his creation -- “ GOOD” 2. GN 2…2nd Creation story – older story – person created from God’s breath and soil The MAIN THEME…in both stories is that God created everything and everything that God created is good.

4 II. Covenant beginnings… B. Alienation from God
1. How does the first sin affect future generations? -Adam and Eve – 1st sin -Cain and Abel – next generation - GN 4:8-10, 16 -Noah -GN 5:1-32 -Tower of Babel GN 11:1-9

5 II. Covenant beginnings… C. Abraham
1. GN 12:1-3 “I will make you a great nation…” (the actual covenant) 2. GN 22:1-13 sacrifice – obedience to God (Abraham and Isaac) 3. Name changes -GN 17:5 (Abram to Abraham) establishes covenant -GN 17:15 (Sarai to Sarah) blesses her and gives her a son -GN 35:10 (Jacob to Israel) blesses him, ‘will give the land to his offspring’ -NT: MT 16:17-18 (Simon to Peter) Acts 13:9 (Saul to Paul)

6 II. Covenant beginnings … D. Joseph (GN 37-EX 1)
1. Favorite son of Israel 2. Joseph's dreams (GN 37:1) 3. Joseph sold into slavery (GN 37:36) 4. Joseph as interpreter of dreams (GN 41:8,12,14,25) 5. Israel (=Jacob) goes to Egypt (GN 46:1-4) 6. Slavery (EX 1:8-14)

7 III. Moses and the Exodus
A. Birth and adoption (EX 2:1-10) B. Moses’ flight to Midian (EX 2:11-22) C. Burning Bush (EX 3-4:17) D. Return to Egypt -Pharaoh (EX 5) -plagues (EX 7:8-11:10) E. Passover (EX 12:1-36) F. Red Sea (EX 14:10-31) G. Promised land

8 IV. Old Covenant A. Covenant restated Ex 19:5-6
B. Summary of the Covenant Ten Commandments Ex 20:1-17 C. Infidelity to the covenant 1. Golden calf Ex 32:1-4 2. Water from Rock Num 20:11 3. Pagan influence 4. Hosea 1-3 Prophets tell why they lost the land (next week)

9 V. Completion of the Covenant in the NT
A. Genesis 22:1-13 and Jesus’ Passion and Crucifixion Comparison of Isaac and Jesus -only sons -rode a donkey -sacrificed on mountain -carried own wood -Abraham and Jesus receive a theophany in the form of an angel -sheep – Jesus as lamb of God -bound and seized

10 V. Completion of the Covenant in the NTV B. Comparison of…….
Psalm 22 Mark 15 “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” …..…v. 1 Mockery ………………….…….v. 7 Relied on the Lord……….…v. 11,19 Divide garments…………....v. 18 Crowd surrounds me……..v. 16 …………v. 34 …………v. 20 …………v. 30 …………v. 24 …………v. 29

11 V. Completion of the Covenant in the NT
  C. Passover (EX 12:11-13) and Jesus’ new covenant at the time of Passover 1. Mark 14:1 2. Matthew 26:1 3. Luke 22:1 4. John 11:55-57


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