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TAG LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP USNC Finance and Membership Recruitment

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1 TAG LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP USNC Finance and Membership Recruitment
September 13, 2011 USNC Finance and Membership Recruitment Philip M. Piqueira Kevin Lippert USNC President USNC Vice President- Membership Development & Recruitment

2 USNC/IEC Funding Program
In 1998, the ANSI Board of Directors challenged the USNC/IEC to become a self-supporting entity With the exception of membership fees, the USNC receives no subsidies from other organizations or financial support from the U.S. government Numerous funding options were considered and a “Pay to Play” philosophy was ultimately adopted by the USNC/IEC Council

3 USNC/IEC Funding Program
“Pay-to-Play” Modest, across-the-board fee for all individual TAG Participants (currently $295 annual fee; $590 for TAGs serving two or more TC/SCs) ANSI membership is not required Exemptions, waivers, etc. are considered on a case-by-case basis ANSI members (companies, organizations and government agencies) can become voting USNC Members for an annual fee of $6,450 Individual TAG participation fees are waived for any employee of that company, organization or agency

4 USNC Finance: Funding Process
VP Finance – Lori Tennant USNC Finance Committee Chair – VP Finance Vice Chair –Susan Hoyler- USNC Council Member 7 Members, 5 ANSI Staff including ANSI VP of Finance Input received from Standing Committees of the USNC Specific Programs added to the budget as a result of the input Costa Rica Mentoring Program Support for IEC Vice President

5 USNC Finance: Funding Process
USNC Has 6 people as dedicated staff Annual budget is $2.4 Million US Income Half comes from royalties on sale of IEC documents Half comes from membership fees from participants $0 comes from the US Government as Aid and Support $0 comes from ANSI as Aid and Support Spending 50% goes to pay IEC Dues 40% goes to cover costs of USNC Professional Staff 10% goes to cover specific program initiatives (outreach, communications, membership recruitment)

6 USNC Finance: Funding Process
Program Initiatives USNC/IEC Mentoring Program USNC Service Recognition Outreach to other National Committees and Regional Bodies Young Professionals Program USNC Distinguished Award USNC Training/Communications Program Membership Development and Recruitment

7 USNC : Benefits in Membership
Opportunity to leverage your company and industry’s position internationally and increase global influence Oversight and direct input on IEC policy and technical issues Engagement in the IEC standards development process Unlimited participation (to qualified members upon payment of applicable fees) in any of the nearly 150 USNC-approved Technical Advisory Groups Networking opportunities with international stakeholders Ability to shape the ongoing debate on standards and conformity assessment as tools for the facilitation of trade and international commerce

8 USNC: Participating Members ($6,450 Annual Fee)
Agilent Technologies Apple Computer Cooper Power Systems Corning Incorporated Dell Inc Eaton Corporation Emerson Electric FM Approvals Food and Drug Administration General Electric Hubbell Inc Intertek Testing Service National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Pass Seymour & Legrand Philips Healthcare Qualcomm Rockwell Automation Siemens Energy & Automation Sony Electronics Schneider Electric Telecommunications Industries Association Underwriters Laboratories U.S Department of Defense U.S. Coast Guard USNC/IECQ

9 USNC: Membership Recruitment
Build the USNC Voting Membership from the present 26, to 29 Recruit candidates for succession opportunities into USNC Officer positions Recruit new TAG members, and retain present ones

10 The World Runs on Standards!
Thank you! And remember… The World Runs on Standards!

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