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Fear of………………… Top 10 Phobias (Fear of …) Phobias A B C D ……………phobia

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Presentation on theme: "Fear of………………… Top 10 Phobias (Fear of …) Phobias A B C D ……………phobia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fear of………………… Top 10 Phobias (Fear of …) Phobias A B C D ……………phobia

2 Fear of thunderstorms Phobias A B C D Hippophobia Fear of horses
Brontophobia Fear of thunderstorms C Misophobia Fear of being contaminated with dirt or germs D Pagophobia Fear of ice or Frost

3 Fear of spiders Phobias A B C D Arachnophobia Fear of spiders
Ecophobia Fear of home C Dextrophobia Fear of objects at the right side of the body D Hypertrichophobia Fear of hair

4 Fear of being trapped in small confined spaces.
Phobias Fear of being trapped in small confined spaces. A Vaccinophobia Fear of vaccination B Melophobia Fear of hatred or music C Lalophobia Fear of speaking D Claustrophobia Fear of being trapped in small confined spaces

5 Fear of flying Phobias A B C D Phasmophobia Fear of ghost Hodophobia
Fear of road travel C Aviophobia Fear of flying D Plutophobia Fear of wealth

6 Fear of heights Phobias A B C D Nephophobia Fear of clouds Odynophobia
Fear of pain C Altophobia Fear of heights D Numerophobia Fear of numbers

7 Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations
Phobias Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations A Dementophobia Fear of insanity B Social Phobia Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations C Prosophobia Fear of progress D Seplophobia Fear of decaying matter

8 Fear of vomit(ing). Phobias A B C D Pathophobia Fear of disease
Emetophobia Fear of vomit(ing) C Russophobia Fear of Russians D Suriphobia Fear of mice

9 Fear of cancer Phobias A B C D Carcinophobia Fear of cancer
Chionophobia Fear of snow C Blennophobia Fear of slime D Zoophobia Fear of animals

10 Fear of open spaces/ crowds or leaving a safe place
Phobias Fear of open spaces/ crowds or leaving a safe place A Felinophobia Fear of cats B Gamophobia Fear of marriage C Chorophobia Fear of dancing D Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces/ crowds or leaving a safe place

11 Fear of death or dead things
Phobias Fear of death or dead things A Cyclophobia Fear of bicycles B Atelophobia Fear of imperfection C Necrophobia Fear of death or dead things D Gerascophobia Fear of growing old

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