Influencing Elected Officials & Decision Makers

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Presentation on theme: "Influencing Elected Officials & Decision Makers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Influencing Elected Officials & Decision Makers
Matt Rosen T.J. Sutcliffe

2 Goals of the Presentation
To educate you about the processes and opportunities to improve the systems and services that affect you. To empower you to live into your role as “agents of change”

3 “Influencing Decision Makers” Model
START What is the problem? What is a solution? Who can help? Celebrate! (public official) Did it work? Plan your ACTION! Take ACTION!

4 Identify the Problem(s)
What needs are not being met? What rights are not being respected? What barriers are keeping you from your goals? Be truthful, to the point, and understandable.

5 Identify the Solution(s)
What service or support would meet your needs? How would you change another’s action or behavior so that everyone’s rights are respected? Again, be truthful, to the point, and understandable.

6 Who needs to be influenced?
Types of decision makers: Service Providers Elected Officials You and other consumers It is necessary that all three groups work together, even if we do not agree.

7 Plan your Action Build a coalition. Assign roles and responsibilities.
Understand the opposition. Understand the financial impact on individuals and the community. Determine the best messenger(s). Develop a compelling story

8 Take Action! Implement the plan as you have laid it out with the coalition.

9 Evaluate your Action What is working? How can we be more effective?
How is our message being received? What are others (locally and nationally) doing?

10 Celebrate your Accomplishments
Every step towards justice is worth celebrating! Acknowledging our accomplishments keeps everyone energized and empowered.

11 Ongoing Opportunities
Participate in activities with the Developmental Disabilities Council, Project ACTION!, and other community advocacy groups. Attend Agency Meetings and Advisory Board Meetings. Testify at legislative, oversight and budget hearings. VOTE!

12 Tips for Effective Action
Be prepared with facts and how they impact you, other individuals and the community. Build trust and be respectful (even in disagreement) with decision makers. Be clear on what you want and focus on what is important to you. Prepare statements and practice before meetings or testifying. Ask for help from other advocates…Numbers=Power. Understand the power structure.

13 T.J. Sutcliffe Policy Advocate The Arc of the United States            Matt Rosen Director of Advocacy and Public Policy The Arc of DC

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