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Roles and Responsibilities Of the library trustee NJLTA New Jersey Library Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Roles and Responsibilities Of the library trustee NJLTA New Jersey Library Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles and Responsibilities Of the library trustee NJLTA New Jersey Library Association

2 What is a Trustee? One to whom something is entrusted The community entrusts the library board with the welfare of the library The board is expected to keep the library running successfully

3 What should a Library Trustee know? A little of everything! The more you know, the better your board will function

4 What should a Library Trustee know? What kind of library do you serve How and when was your library founded Mission Statement of your library Bylaws of the organization Robert’s Rules of Order

5 What should a Library Trustee know? Your community Your elected officials Know what is happening in your library Know services and resources available Get to know the patrons Know who uses the library and who does not so you can better serve the whole community

6 What should a Library Trustee know? Know how your library is funded Local, state and federal laws pertaining to libraries Current legislation affecting libraries

7 What makes a good Library Trustee ? Is as professional as the staff that is hired Is knowledgeable, enthusiastic, supportive Approaches library service with curiosity Views the community as a whole Is responsible Is a good listener and a good communicator Respects other opinions Is a member of NJLTA and other professional organizations

8 What is the responsibility of the library board? As a public institution the library board is accountable to: Taxpayers Community leaders Civic leaders Funders Patrons

9 Library board basics How the library board functions

10 Library Board Basics Fiduciary Responsibility Upholds the public trust Acts in the best interest of the library Supports the library and services it offers

11 Board Basics - Bylaws Every board adopts bylaws and rules for its governance The bylaws should be in writing and reviewed periodically Bylaws outline how the board functions as an organization

12 Bylaws Review Does your board comply with the bylaws? Have you reviewed your bylaws recently? Has it been 5 years, 10 or…

13 Bylaws Basics Bylaws state what business is to be conducted Describes how often and where to meet Defines the order of agenda Defines what constitutes a quorum Describes how to take a vote Descriptions of standing committees describes how the officers are elected Describes the primary duties of the officers

14 Library Funding One of the board’s primary functions is to secure adequate funding for the successful operation of the library

15 Funding NJ library law gives boards of trustees responsibility for the use of funds available for library purposes. (NJSA 40:54-12) The governing body shall annually appropriate and raise by taxation a sum equal to 1/3 of a mill on every dollar of assessable property within such municipality bases of the equalized valuation of property (NJSA 40:54-8)

16 Funding Sources of library funds: Local taxes and appropriations State Aid Fines, fees, gifts, bequests, fundraising activities Grants Federal funds Capital funds

17 Budget Basics Develop Approve Monitor Evaluate

18 Developing the Budget Review last year’s budget Compare with previous years, look for trends Work with the director Develop next year’s programs and services Anticipate income and expense

19 Approving the Budget Board and director review the budget draft Revise as necessary Board votes to approve The board presents the budget to the governing body Attend all budget hearings With appropriations set, adopt and implement Thank local officials

20 Monitoring and Evaluating the Budget Monthly reports on expenditures Profit and loss Have reserve funds, maintain at an appropriate level Spend your operating budget Make reports to governing body as necessary

21 Policy and procedures Considers, reviews, votes for appropriate written policy

22 What is policy? Policy should support the goals and objectives and the mission of the library Policies refer to the philosophy, rules and regulations under which the library operates Policy is implemented through the use of procedures The library board together with the director determine library policy

23 Strategic Planning The board establishes a short and long range strategic plan and implements policy to achieve stated goals

24 Ask these questions when considering a strategic plan: Where are we now? Where do we want to go? How do we see ourselves within the community? How do we carry out this vision?

25 Carrying out the vision State objectives Plan a course of action Develop a timetable Review the plan periodically Update where necessary

26 A good strategic plan… Is dynamic and can be revised if necessary Allows for budgetary planning, staff allocation and public service direction Considers and consults the community

27 What is the Trustee’s Role? Be an active member of the board

28 Trustee’s Role Be prepared, be responsible Attend all board meetings Listen and ask tough questions Contribute to decision making Vote in the best interest of the library

29 Trustee’s Role Advocacy – generate support and enthusiasm for the library Use the library Be an advocate on the state level Maintain good relations with elected officials -Tell them what’s going on -Invite them to the library

30 Trustee’s Role Be a team player Accept compromise when needed Support board decisions Refrain from criticizing in public Reconsideration is always possible Project a positive image

31 Trustee’s Role Volunteer for committee work Work within board structure to achieve goals Give the time and attention required Be prepared to present what you have learned at a board meeting

32 Trustee’s Role - ethics Take an oath of office Avoid any conflict of interest Recuse yourself from votes where you may benefit personally or professionally

33 Relationships within your library Board – director Board – staff Director – staff Board – governing body Friend’s groups Board/director - community

34 Director’s Role Responsible for the day to day operation of the library in accordance with the wishes of the board Responsible for all personnel issues Implements board policies, advises need of new policies Coordinate, implement strategic plans Propose and/or assist in budget prep Prepare regular reports to the board

35 Friend’s Role Support quality library service Fund-raising Volunteerism Promote library programming to the public Maintain a liaison to the board of trustees Affiliate with state and national Friend’s groups Advocacy

36 Self evaluation How are we doing as a board? As trustees?

37 Self evaluation for a Board of Trustees Do we communicate our mission well? Do we have a strategic plan? Do we conduct ourselves within our bylaws? Do we secure adequate funding to support our goals? Do we participate in continuing education? What are our strengths, what are our weaknesses? What are our accomplishments? How can we do a better?

38 Self evaluation for Board Members Am I an active member? Do I know our mission and bylaws? Do I serve on committees? Do I give the time the job requires? Do I support board decisions? Do I advocate on local and state levels? Am I aware of current legislation? Do I participate in continuing education?

39 Top 10 for Trustees Secure adequate funding Recruit, appoint, review the performance of the director Strategically plan for the future Establish, review and revise library policies Advocate on a local, state and national level Continuing education Be an active member of the board Listen and ask tough questions Speak your mind Vote in the best interests of your library

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