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Insects Digestion.

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1 Insects Digestion

2 Insect Mouth Parts Mouth parts specialized for food type eaten
Mosquitoes have a needle like tube to pierce skin Flies have a sponge like lobe to soak up liquids Butterflies have coiled tubes to suck nectar

3 Piercing and sucking mouthparts allow carnivorous insects to suck up blood

4 Chewing mouthparts

5 Feeding and Digestion herbivorous insects consume plants
their mouth parts are modified for cutting and chewing leaves Labrum and labium function like upper & lower lips respectively holding food in position Sharp edged mandibles tear off food Maxillae help hold and cut food

6 The digestive system of insects can be divided into 3 parts
Foregut or stomodeum Midgut or mesenteron Hindgut or proctodeum

7 Grasshopper Digestive Tract
Food enters mouth, saliva from salivary glands moistens food & it passes to esophagus & into the crop and gizzard where sharp, chitinous plates shred the food. Food is stored here and released a small bit at time Shredded food enters midgut, is soaked in enzymes secreted by the gastric caeca (pockets that branch in digestive tract which give a large surface area) Digested food is absorbed through the midgut wall Undigested matter moves to the hindgut and leaves through the anus. ( see next slide)

8 Grasshopper Excretion
Malphigian tubules are excretory organs that collect waste from the food & extra water and waste from haemolymph ( Blood) Malphigian tubules are attached to digestive tract between midgut & hindgut. In dry climates water is returned to hemolymph and concentrated waste leaves body through anus

9 adaptations chewing insects. Piercing insects
Mouthparts are modified to chew up vegetation are Herbivores- plants They have a symbiotic relationship with protozoa and bacteria in the hind gut to break down cellulose. Piercing insects Mouth parts modified to pierce and suck up liquid are carnivores- blood their saliva contains anticoagulant to keep blood flowing. they have a large crop to store blood releasing it a bit at a time into the mid gut for digestion

10 Grasshopper Video

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