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The Digestive System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digestive System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digestive System

2 Functions Chemical and physical breakdown of nutrients
Elimination of solid waste Absorption of nutrients into bloodstream

3 2 Types of Digestion --Mechanical Digestion is physical.
Chew, tear, grind, mash, mix Occurs in the mouth (teeth & tounge) Occurs in stomach (churning and mixing)

4 2 Types of Digestion Chemical Catabolic reactions Enzymatic hydrolysis
Carbohydrate- in mouth with salivase & intestines with carbohydrase Protein- in stomach with protease Lipid- in small intestines with bile

5 Digestion Phases Ingestion Movement Digestion Absorption
Further digestion

6 Terms to know Alimentary canal – ft. long, runs from mouth to anus Digestion – chemical breakdown of nutrients (begins in mouth, but mostly in stomach) Ingestion – taking in of nutrients through the mouth Absorption – passing of materials through alimentary wall to bloodstream Defecation – release of solid waste through anus

7 Phases of Digestion

8 Digestive System Organization
Gastrointestinal (Gl) tract (Alimentary canal) Tube within a tube Structures Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum Anus

9 Digestive System Organization
Accessory structures Not in tube path Organs Teeth Tongue Salivary glands Liver Gall bladder Pancreas

10 Anatomy of the Mouth and Throat

11 Human Deciduous and Permanent Teeth

12 Dorsal Surface of the Tongue

13 The Major Salivary Glands

14 Deglutition Deglutiton – act of swallowing
Peristalsis – wave-like contractions that move the nutrients Uvula – bundle of nerves to alert throat that food is entering

15 Deglutition Pharnyx – common passageway for food and air.
Branches into trachea (air) and esophagus (food and liquid) Epiglottis – flap that blocks either tube to prevent materials from going down the wrong tube. (If this doesn’t work you choke.)

16 Esophagus Features Usually collapsed (closed) Functions
Carry food and liquid to stomach through peristalsis Features Long, hollow muscular tube Dimensions – 2cm by 25 cm

17 Peristalsis and Segmentation

18 Stomach chyme – slushy mixture – dissolved bolus Usually “J” shaped
Functions – most of chemical breakdown occurs here Rugae – ridges on inside allows for increased surface area and increased expansion chyme – slushy mixture – dissolved bolus

19 Stomach Four regions Fundus – upper curve, stores excess bolus for digestion Body – main part of stomach, where digestion occurs (makes bolus into chime) Cardia – upper end, produces mucus to coat lining of stomach Pyloric – last section before small intestine, where acidity in chyme is neutralized

20 Anatomy of the Stomach

21 Small Intestine Functions – absorption of nutrients into bloodstream
Regions Duodenum Jejenum Ileum Movements Peristalsis

22 Small Intestine Dimensions – 6m by 4cm-25cm
Longest part of alimentary canal

23 Structure of the Villi in the Small Intestine

24 Small Intestine Requires pancreatic enzymes & bile to complete digestion

25 Large Intestine Function – reabsorption of water form chime and compaction of waste into feces (solid waste)

26 Large Intestine Regions
Rectum – storage of feces until release through anus Cecum - appendix Colon – has 3 regions, main part of large intestine Ascending Transverse Descending Anal canal

27 Anatomy of the Large Intestine

28 Feces Formation and Defecation
Chyme dehydrated to form feces Feces composition Water Inorganic salts Epithelial cells Bacteria Byproducts of digestion Defecation Peristalsis pushes feces into rectum Rectal walls stretch Control Parasympathetic Voluntary

29 Liver Functions – blood cell formation, blood detoxification, bile (emulsifies fats) formation Features – lobed, doesn’t grow much from birth to death 4 Lobes Left Quadrate Caudate Right Each lobe has lobules – Contains hepatocytes – Surround sinusoids – Feed into central vein

30 Liver Detoxifies/removes Stores Activates vitamin D
Drugs Alcohol Stores Gycolgen Vitamins (A, D, E, K) Fe and other minerals Cholesterol Activates vitamin D Metabolizes absorbed food molecules

31 The Duodenum and Related Organs

32 Gallbladder Functions – storage of bile
Features – small, pear-shaped organ; found in lobes of liver; muscular

33 Appendix Functions – may have been a 2nd stomach; new research shows it may make digestive enzymes produced no where else in the body Features – 7-9 cm (varies); redish, worm-like sac; open only at one end; attached to cecum

34 The Organs and Positions in the Abdominal Cavity

35 Structures of the Alimentary Canal

36 Crohn’s Disease

37 Acid Reflux Stomach acid flows backwards causing irritation.
Symptoms – burning pain in the chest after eating or lying down

38 Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach lining due to infection, injury, regular use of NSAIDs, too much alcohol Symptoms - upper stomach pain, nausea, vomiting

39 Ulcers A sore on the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine Caused by damage due to stomach acid Symptoms – upper abdominal pain

40 Diverticulitis Inflammation or infection of the pouches of the intestine More common after 40 Symptoms – abdominal pain, fever, nausea, change in bowel movements

41 Gastric Bypass surgery

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