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EECS 465: Digital Systems Design Lecture Notes #3
Logic Design Using Compound Components: Multiplexers SHANTANU DUTT Department of Electrical and Computer Science University of Illinois, Chicago Phone: (312) ; URL:
The World of Integrated Circuits (LSI/VLSI)
Full-Custom ASICs Semi-Custom ASICs User Programmable Simple gates (nand/ nor/xor/xnor..) PLA/PAL (layout aspect; not prog. aspect) Complex gates Muxes PLD PLA/PAL CPLDs FPGA
Logic Design Using Multiplexers
A Transmission Gate ( T-Gate ) Out Steering gate. In=B A When A=1, ‘In’ is “Steered” to ‘Out’. [I.e., the T-gate conducts] Thus Out = B when A=1 Out = AB In Out Symbolic for T-gate: A A is the control input (CI) Normal CI connected to A Bubbled CI connected to T-gate conducts when A=1.
Reversing the connection of A: A bubble CI A normal CI In Out
T-gate conducts when A=0. Multiplexer (MUX) Design: A 2:1 MUX. S Out I0 I0 Z Z 2:1 MUX I1 Out I1 S S Z= I0 when S=0 Z= I1 when S=1
Generalization of the TT:
S Z S Z 0 1 1 0 S Z 1 1 0 0 = S S Z 0 I0 1 I1 is the function implemented by the above 2:1 MUX. Such a TT in general provides a decomposition of the final function Z into constituent functions I0 & I1 Thus, the 2:1 MUX can also be implemented by logic gates: I0 z 2:1 MUX : S I1
A 2:1 MUX selects input Ii if S0 = I [If S0 = 0, Z = I0
The same can be said about a 4:1 MUX: Input Ii is selected (Z=Ii) if S1S0 combination represents the number i in binary. Z I1 4:1 MUX I2 I3 S1 S0
In general, # of data inputs (Iis) is 2n
# of control I/Ps = n [If S1S0 = 00 (#0), Z = Io S1S0 = 01 (#1), Z = I1 S1S0 = 10 (#2), Z = I2 S1S0 = 11 (#3), Z = I3] S1 S Z I0 I1 I2 I3
I0 I1 Z 2n : 1 Sn-1 S1 S0 In general for a 2n:1 MUX with control signals/inputs Sn-1 ··· S1S0 & “data” inputs I0, ···, , Z = Ii when Sn-1 ··· S1S0 combination represents #i in binary.
Design of MUXes using Divide-&-Conquer
• Saw the design of a 2:1 MUX using T-gates, as well as logic gates Messy and expensive to design larger MUXes using a flat TT based approach • A 4:1 MUX can be hierarchically constructed using 2:1 MUXes Idea: Divide the selection problem by bits of the select/control variables These inputs should have different lsb or S0 values, since their sel. is based on S0. All other bits should be equal. I1 2:1 MUX S0 I0 I3 I2 Z S1 MSB Inputs selected are those w/ the same lsb or S0 values. So further selection needs to be based on the non-lsb bits. I0 Z I1 4:1 MUX I2 I3 S0 S1 These inputs should have different lsb or S0 values, since their sel. is based on S0. All other bits should be equal. LSB of control variables
When S0=0, I0, I2 get selected at the 1st level, i.e., Input w/ 0
in LSB. When S0=1, I1, I3 (LSB=1) get selected at the 1st level. If S0 = 0, I0, I2, become the 0th & 1st inputs to the next level. At the next level, the I/P order # is determined by the rest of the bits of their index after stripping off the LSB. Thus I I0 I I1 At level 2 (# 0) (# 2) strip away for the 2nd level inputs.
Thus the design works as a 4:1 MUX.
Z= I0 of level 2 (I0 of level 1), S1=0. = I1 of level 2 (I2 of level1) if S1=1. I0 I2 I0 I1 Level 2 From level 1 S0=0 strip 0 1 I0 I1 Z I1 I3 2:1 MUX Z= I0 of Level 2 (I1 of Level1) if S1=0 = I1 of level 2 (I3 of level 1) if S1=1 Level 1 1 1 strip S1 S0=1 Thus the design works as a 4:1 MUX.
An 8:1 MUX is designed similarly.
Selected when S0 = 0 I0 I0 2:1 MUX I1 S0 I1 I2 I2 2:1 MUX I3 4:1 MUX I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I3 Z 8:1 MUX I5 S0 Z I4 I4 2:1 MUX I5 S2 S1 S0 I6 S2 S1 S0 I6 2:1 MUX I7 I7 These inputs should have different lsb or S0 values, since their sel. is based on S0 (all other remaining, i.e., unselected bit values should be the same). Similarly for other i/p pairs at 2:1 Muxes at this level. S0 Selected when S0 = 1
Opening up the 8:1 MUX’s hierarchical design
Selected when S0 = 0 I0 I0 2:1 MUX I1 Selected when S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2=1 S0 2:1 MUX 8:1 MUX I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 S2 S1 S0 I2 I2 2:1 MUX I2 I6 2:1 MUX I3 S1 Z Z 2:1 MUX S0 I6 S2 I4 I4 2:1 MUX S1 I5 S0 Selected when S0 = 0, S1 = 1. These i/ps should differ in S2 I6 I6 2:1 MUX These inputs should have different lsb or S0 values, since their sel. is based on S0 (all other remaining, i.e., unselected bit values should be the same). Similarly for other i/p pairs at 2:1 Muxes at this level. These inputs should have different S1 values, since their sel. is based on S1 (all other remaining, i.e., unselected bit values should be the same). Similarly for other i/p pairs at 2:1 Muxes at this level. I7 S0
8:1 MUX’s: Input groupings for a different control variable order
Selected when S2 = 1 Ix I0 2:1 MUX Selected when S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2=1 I4 S2 2:1 MUX 8:1 MUX I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 S2 S1 S0 I1 Ix 2:1 MUX Ix I6 2:1 MUX I5 S0 Z Z 2:1 MUX S2 Ix S1 Ix I2 2:1 MUX S0 I6 S2 Selected when S2 = 1, S0 = 0. These i/ps should differ in S1 I3 Ix 2:1 MUX These inputs should have different lsb or S2 values, since their sel. is based on S2 (all other remaining, i.e., unselected bit values should be the same). Similarly for other i/p pairs at 2:1 Muxes at this level. These inputs should have different S0 values, since their sel. is based on S0 (all other remaining, i.e., unselected bit values should be the same). Similarly for other i/p pairs at 2:1 Muxes at this level. I7 S2
General D&C/Hierarchical Design of a 2n :1 MUX
2:1 I0 S0 2n:1 MUX 2n-1 :1 MUX 2:1 2n-1 2:1 MUXes S0 Sn-1 S0 2:1 Sn-1 S1 S0 First select inputs based on S0, using 2n-1 2:1 Muxes; 2n-1 inputs get selected on 2n-1 lines The problem now reduces to that of a 2n-1:1 Mux Continue recursively (to a 2n-2:1, 2n-3:1, …., 4:1, 2:1 Mux design problems) until the final output is designed. Design Strategy:
Using MUXes to Realize Logic Circuits
Example: -- Use A,B,C as control inputs to an 8:1 MUX. -- Treat the data inputs I0, ···, I7 as possible minterms of f: Input Ii is a minterm if #i appears in the m notation of f. If Ii is a minterm of f, it should be connected to a ‘1’, otherwise it should be connected to a ‘0’. 1 I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 8:1 MUX f S2 S1 S0 A B C
A 3-variable function can always be implemented by only an 8:1 MUX.
Interestingly, a 3-var. function can also always be implemented by only a 4:1 MUX (assuming vars & their complements are avail.) Example f(A,B,C) = m(0,2,6,7) • Select any 2 variables, say, A,B, for the 2 control inputs • In a 3-var. K-map, group together squares into 2-squares in which the other variable C varies, but A,B remains constant. •Form implicants square only within 2-squares and write out the function AB C 1 1 1 1 1 AB •
• The function now is in terms of combinations of A, B
ANDed with either C, , 1, or 0 Note: 0 is ANDed with an A,B combination (e.g., above) when the 2-square corresponding to that combination does not have any 1’s, i.e., when none of the product terms obtained from the K-map in the above manner has that combination of A, B in them. • Connect either C, , 1, 0 to the appropriate data input corresponding to the A,B combination they are ANDed with in the expression for f. • Thus • Note that a 4:1 MUX implements the function Thus for the above f, and
-- A general n-variable function f(An-1, An-2, ···, A0)
A B f f 4:1 MUX 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 S1 S0 3 A B -- A general n-variable function f(An-1, An-2, ···, A0) Implementation possible using a 2n: 1 MUX (w/o requiring any extra gates)? Yes. Implementation possible using a 2n-1: 1 MUX (w/o requiring any extra gates) ? Yes.
E.g.: A 4-var. function f(A,B,C,D)
Choose A, B, C as the control inputs AB CD 1 1 00 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 f 1 11 10 1 1 1 A B C
-- In general, a 2i : 1 MUX, where i < n-1, can be used to implement
an n-var. function f(An-1, ••• ,A0) by choosing any i variables, say, Ai-1, ••• , A0 ( This is just an example of i variables; you can choose any i of the n variables) as the control inputs of the MUX. However, for i < n-1, extra logic gates may be required. -- Then express f in terms of all combinations of Ai-1, •••, A0 as Where is a function of An-1,•••,Ai that ANDs with the kth product term of variables Ai-1, •••, A0 that represents the binary # k,
-- Thus we get the implementation:
g0(An-1,···, Ai+1) Where each gk may need extra logic gates for its implementation. 2i:1 MUX Ai-1 A0 -- The trick is to choose the “right” i variables so that the total # of logic gates needed for the gk’s is minimum.
E.g.: 4-var. function f(A,B,C,D) ; n=4. Let i=2
1 1 00 01 1 4-squares where A,B=constant. 11 10 1 1 1 -- For i=2 (2 control variables from A,B,C,D for a 4:1 MUX), the K-map needs to be partitioned into groups of 4-squares, such that within each 4-square the 2 control variables are constant.
-- Note that “PIs” can only be formed within each 4-square, i. e
-- Note that “PIs” can only be formed within each 4-square, i.e., groups of squares in which the control vars. are constant (constant areas). -- To min. # of gates, choose the 2 control vars such that the largest-size implicants & the smallest # of them can be formed in its set const. areas. -- A study of the 1’s in the above K-map tells us that this is achieved by the set of 4-squares that are the columns of the K-map, i.e., for control variables A, B. -- Then, in each constant-area, form the SOP sub-expression for all the MTs in that area, just like in a full K-Map (i.e., for all “PIs” in each area, determine and select all “EPIs” in that area, cover remaining MTs in that area by the least-cost set of the remaining “PIs”). -- Grouping 1’s only within the constant areas (4-squares in this ex.) we get over all constant areas, i.e., all combinations of A, B, the expression: A B 1 2 3 4:1 MUX S1 S0 f C Implementation: No logic gates needed! (NOTE: This will not always be the case)
-- If we had chosen A,C as the control variables, then the 4-squares
would have looked as follows AB CD 1 1 00 01 1 11 10 1 1 1 -- Grouping 1’s only within the 4-squares, we get 4 terms and : all are essential (within their constant areas)
-- We thus obtain f in terms of all combinations of A, C as
f 4:1 MUX 1 B 2 S1 S0 3 A C -- Thus choosing A,C as control variables, results in 2 extra gates compared to choosing A, B.
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