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Introduction to interviewing skills Presented by – Date –

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1 Introduction to interviewing skills Presented by – Date –

2 Aim and objectives Aim: To explore the nature and features of interviews Objectives: by the end of the session participants will be able to: State what distinguishes an interview from other forms of communication List the main stages of an interview           Identify the main skills involved in interviewing Interview colleagues using three main interviewing skills.

3 Introductions Find a partner - ideally someone you do not know very well You are going to interview each other finding out the following: Name Job role Experience with interviewing One piece of extra personal information. You have three minutes for each interview. You will each introduce the other person to the group.

4 Trust Definition: A willingness to ascribe good intentions to and have confidence in the words and actions of other people. Cook & Wall (1980) Characteristics: Uncertainty – a leap of faith Risk – vulnerability, it may go wrong Perception – based on our perception of trustworthiness. Caproni (2005)

5 What is an interview? A formal meeting / exchange which has: An implicit / explicit contract A serious purpose A two-way exchange Some agreed outcomes.

6 Stages of an interview? Beginning – building a working alliance
1. Create a friendly, encouraging atmosphere - building rapport 2. Establishing the broad purpose - contracting Middle – exploring potential and identifying options 3. Gather information and question interviewee 4. Identify the interviewee’s needs End – identifying goals and follow through 5. Give information to the client 6. Summarise progress made during the interview 7. Clarify the next steps Adapted from Bimrose, Barnes, Hughes & Orton, (2004) and Bedford (1982)

7 Beginning the interview
Rapport: Empathetic understanding Acceptance - unconditional positive regard Genuine – congruence. Rogers, C. R. (1967)

8 Body language Non-verbal communication: Facial expressions Eye contact
Body posture Arms and legs relaxed Non-verbal sounds – Mmm Gestures Nods Keeping still.

9 Boundaries Interviewer competence Interviewer job role Confidentiality Purpose of interview Referral points.

10 Contracting Contracting means agreeing with the interviewee the nature and scope of the discussion to take place. The interviewer and interviewee both need to be clear about the purpose of the interview and have realistic expectations. Contracts should cover: Interviewee’s and interviewer’s agenda Time available Scope of interview Confidentiality issues Any other activities or support that may be required.

11 Interviewing skills Contracting Active listening Empathy Questioning
Establishing rapport Contracting Active listening Empathy Questioning Probing Summarising Reflecting Agreeing next steps Challenging Target setting Managing time.

12 Active listening Form groups of three - interviewer, interviewee and observer. You will all play each role Interviewee to talk for 3-5 minutes. Interviewer to actively listen and feedback at end of sessions: content, emotions, and perceived motivation of interviewee. Observer to feedback signs of active listening. You have 15 minutes for the whole exercise.

13 Interviewing practice
Working in same triads, with same roles, practice a full interview. Interviewee: talk about an issue you would like to share or about a student’s issue - maintaining confidentiality. Interviewer: contract, explore the situation, question, probe , summarise and conclude the interview. Observer: note the skills shown by the interviewer and the interviewee’s responses prompted by these skills. Feedback your results.

14 Summary Objectives – What is an interview?
What are the stages of an interview? What skills do you need to interview effectively? Learning – What have you learned personally about your interviewing practice and skills? Thank you for attending; please complete an evaluation form

15 References Bimrose, J., Barnes, S., Hughes, D., & Orton, M. (2004) What is effective Guidance? Evidence from Longitudinal Case Studies in England, DfES/ Warwick Institute for Employment Research Bedford, T. (1982) Vocational Guidance Interviews Explored, London: Careers service Branch, Department of Employment Caproni, P. Management Skills for Everyday Life New Jersey: Pearson Education Cook, J. & Wall, T. (1980) “New Work Attitude Measures of Trust, Organizational Commitment and Personal Need Nonfulfillment.” Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53: 39-52 Rogers, C. R. (1967) On Becoming a Person: A Psychotherapist’s View of Psychotherapy, 2nd ed., London: Constable and Company Ltd.

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