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The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom

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1 The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom

2 The Overthrow On January 17, 1893, a group of American sugar planters under Sanford B. Dole overthrew Queen Liliʻuokalani, the Hawaiian monarch. Dole proposed that Queen Liliʻuokalani give up the throne in favor of Princess Kaʻiulani, but later established a provisional government with himself (Dole) as President. 300 U.S. Marines were sent to Hawaii to protect American lives.

3 Why Did the Queen Give In?
Queen Liliʻuokalani gave up her throne under protest. She gave up her throne to avoid bloodshed of her people. She gave up her throne trusting that the U.S. government would see that the oligarchy (Annexation Club)in Hawaii was wrong.

4 Who was the Oligarchy? The American Sugar Planters(Owners).
Who supported the Sugar Planters? The Committee of Safety and Sanford B. Dole The same group that brought in Sugar, reciprocated Pearl Harbor, and created the Bayonet Constitution.

5 Sanford B. Dole

6 How Big was Sugar? Sugar was the biggest profit(main industry) in Hawaii during the 1800ʻs/early 1900ʻs. Many of the sugar planters were descendants of the original missionary families. Same people that changed the land of Hawaii – “Private Property.” Sugar created an economic tie (relationship) with the United States.

7 Provisional Government
A provisional government is a government that temporarily replaces a government. The provisional government that Overthrew Hawaii was led by Sanford B. Dole (President). The provisional government effectively took over on the onset of the overthrow – January 17, 1893. By July 4, 1893, a new constitution was in effect by the provisional government.

8 What the Constitution of 1893 stated?
Sanford B. Dole as President of Hawaii. Serve a 6-year term. The legislature would elect a president after Doleʻs term was over. The legislature (legislative branch) consist of the Senate and House of Representatives. Voters and members of the legislature had to take an oath to support the republic and promise NOT to bring back the monarchy.

9 Adding Fuel to the Fire During the fall of 1893, supporters of the queen plotted to overthrow the republic. Samuel Nowlein, Robert Wilcox, Lot Kamehameha Lane, Charles T. Gulick, and William G. Rickard. Weapons were ordered and sent from San Francisco. 200 people were arrested, including the queenʻs nephews, Prince David Kawananakoa and Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanaianaʻole. Some people were sentenced to death. The queen was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

10 Imprisonment of the Queen leads to opportunity for the provisional government
The U.S. government now agreed with the provisional government that Hawaii should not have a monarchy. Sugar plantations expanded with the provisional government. Foreign labor increased. With the Spanish-American War in the Philippines, the U.S. military used Pearl Harbor and realized it was an important stop.

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