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A2 Film Studies Welcome to FM3.

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1 A2 Film Studies Welcome to FM3

2 College and Film Studies ‘Core Expectations’
100% attendance. Punctuality. To use lesson time wisely. To fully participate in lessons/lesson activities. To be able to work with others when required. No mobile phones. (unless asked to use them) To listen and respect others when they are talking. Aim high! But also…

3 Folder System! The same as last year – a Film Stds folder that we provide for you to store important documents, booklets, marked work, hand-outs, target setting documents and other important paperwork. You should use this folder. This is in line with the ‘Core expectation’ set by college in which all students need to have a folder/portfolio. You should bring this to ALL Film Studies lessons.

4 College and Film Studies ‘Core Expectations’
As part of the college’s ‘Core Expectations’ you are expected to complete 4-5 hours of homework or independent study per week, per subject. Homework will be set in lessons but will also be ed. Think about how you are going to manage this.

5 A2 Film Studies FM3 Film Research and Creative Projects 50% of A2 course 25% of A Level

6 FM3 Film Research and Creative Projects
2 parts…….. Research Project = 40% Creative project = 60%

7 FM3 Film Research and Creative Projects
You will produce a screenplay for an extract from an original film idea or for a short film. The screenplay will be approximately 1800 words and must be accompanied by a synopsis of the film and an analysis of the ideas and influences behind the work.

8 FM3 Film Research and Creative Projects
We will start working on this in class after half-term but you can begin to think and develop ideas for your script.

9 Small Scale Research Project
This is designed to allow you to develop research skills. Starting with a focus film you will plan and produce a presentation on one aspect of film studies – it could be based around cinema history, a certain director or star, a technical innovation or a theory: the choice is yours.

10 Small Scale Research Project
The presentation script is worth 25 marks The Annotated Catalogue is worth 15 marks =40 =40% of the coursework grade

11 Small Scale Research Project
Your research topic must clearly fit into one of the following frameworks: • star/performer • genre • auteur (in its broadest sense) • social, political and cultural studies • gender issues • ethnicity • institution • technology Use these frameworks to help shape your project – it’s worth trying to mention them – implicitly or explicitly - in the title.

12 Small Scale Research Project
Representations of suburban America in the films of David Lynch Representations of Paris in French & American films Filming the unfilmable – Columbine on screen Modern Japanese horror films and their American remakes Childhood & family in the films of Shane Meadows The use of sound in the films of Sergio Leone The recreation of the grindhouse genre by Tarantino & Rodriguez The evolution of the Batman film The enduring popularity of the James Bond films The influence and evolution of product placement The representation of women in the films of Pedro Almodóvar Guilty Pleasures - How cinema Hollywood rediscovered the female audience.

13 Small Scale Research Project
Pick up a tracker sheet – these are to help you plan and structure your work. Complete it in every lesson.

14 Small Scale Research Project
Today: Identify the area of your research project and then start to narrow it down – it needs to be specific. Think about your focus film Research! Research! Research! Look at exemplar scripts Talk to me

15 Exemplar Script Annotated Catalogue
Good justification for focus and supporting films. Excellent notes on the sources and research methods – considering how they were used and their reliability. An excellent catalogue and based on the exemplar material Cand A 2015 Disney it is clearly deserving of a very high grade. Whilst not all of the sources are explored as fully or their use fully explained this is an impressive range of resources given the non-mainstream nature of the subject matter.

16 Exemplar Script Presentation Script
This is an ambitious and wide-ranging presentation script that clearly indicates the student’s interest in the topic and engagement with the arguments raised. With a quite limited pool of films to potentially discuss, she makes sophisticated points about the representation of transgender characters in film and uses her own textual analysis and primary research effectively. It is difficult to see what is missing and again, based on the exemplar material Cand A 2015 Disney, this is clearly deserving of a very high grade/mark.

17 Exemplar Script The moderator said………. This candidate’s catalogue was exemplary; she produced an impressive range of both primary and secondary sources and confidently deconstructed their usefulness.

18 Exemplar Script The moderator said………. I have to highlight this candidate’s mature and insightful work on transgender representation as it was level four ‘excellent’ and a pleasure to moderate.

19 Reminder If you are planning to resit your coursework please contact me asap and make an appointment.

20 Why not take Media Studies as your extended Study option
Why not take Media Studies as your extended Study option? If you would like to take AS Media Studies please talk to me, Leanne or Shelley.

21 Would you like to join us on an adventure to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in Watford, London?
If so – please take your invitation letter to Hogwarts. We need the completed permission slips ASAP so that we can confirm the booking numbers.

22 Homework By the next lesson you need to have finalised your topic and found at least 2 relevant sources.

23 Username – film&media Password - mediamag
Media Magazine Username – film&media Password - mediamag

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