Assignment from yesterday

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1 Assignment from yesterday
Study the diagram called Visualizing Transcription and Translation on p. 339 On p. 38 in your notebook, Draw a diagram that explains the process of transcription and translation. Include: nucleus, DNA, mRNA, ribosome, tRNA, amino acids, polypeptide (protein) Answer the questions: What happens during transcription and where? What happens during translation and where?

2 DNA Technology What do you know about DNA technology or genetic engineering? Can you give examples? What are you curious about learning more? Skim Ch. 13, Section 2 (p ) As you read, define each of the vocabulary words from the chapter (not the glossary) Answer Section 2 Assessment questions at the end of the chapter, pp

3 This is not an illusion. This is a tobacco plant and it’s glowing. Why? How?

4 Making changes in the DNA code of living organisms
Genetic Engineering Making changes in the DNA code of living organisms

5 Selective Breeding allowing only those organisms with desirable traits to produce the next generation. Breeding dogs to be better hunters, horses to run faster, plant crops to resist diseases Santa Gertrudis cattle: Formed by crossing Brahman and English shorthorns; has good heat resistance and beef. Brahman cattle: Good resistance to heat but poor beef. English shorthorn cattle: Good beef but poor heat resistance.

6 Hybridization crossing dissimilar organisms to bring together the best of both organisms Ex. Labradoodle combines the low-shedding coat of the Poodle with the gentleness and trainability of the Labrador, and provides a dog suitable for people with allergies to fur and dander

7 Genetic Engineering What is it? Why?
the process of extracting DNA from one organism and combining it with the DNA of another organism, thus introducing new hereditary traits into the recipient organism. Why? The characteristics of every living creature is determined by the special combinations of genes carried by its cells. The slightest alteration (mutation) can bring about significant changes in an organism and also its offspring.

8 How? Recombinant DNA -“Combining” the DNA from 2 organisms
Cut the DNA into pieces with a Restriction Enzyme Attach the pieces into a vector (something that is used to transfer DNA pieces to another organism’s cell)

9 Transformation changing the genetic makeup of a cell by taking up and incorporating a piece of DNA from another organism Bacteria have a circular piece of DNA called a plasmid. The gene of interest attached to the plasmid, so that every time the bacteria reproduces, the gene you want is produced as well.

10 Examples of genetic engineering useful to society
Medicine Genetic Engineering to produce insulin. Human Growth Hormone

11 Genetic Engineering in Bacteria
Transgenic Bacteria – Another way of saying bacteria that contains genes from another organism Examples: Bacteria that “eat” oil – can help clean up oil spills Bacteria that produce the amino acid phenylalanine, which is used to make NutraSweet and other artificial sweeteners.

12 Genetic Engineering in Plants
Agriculture Modify genes in a plant to be resistant to herbicides or pests such as insects. A bacteria normally found on strawberry plants can cause frost damage because ice crystals form around a protein. By removing the gene for that protein, frost damage to the plant is prevented


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