Speed Increase through: THERMAL MANAGEMENT via

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1 Speed Increase through: THERMAL MANAGEMENT via

2 COMPANY PROFILE Exergen designs and produces the world’s only self powered non-contact Infrared temperature sensors (IRt/c) with a high level of accuracy and repeatability to regulate and control various industrial OEM machine applications. Offices Veghel Netherlands Global OEM Sales Watertown USA Production R&D

3 Increasing Speed and Quality in many OEM applications
Medical diagnostics Digital Printing Agricultural Industry Automotive Food Industry Semiconductor Industry


5 Dr. Francesco Pompei Exergen’s founder and president, Dr. Pompei, holds 70 patents in non-invasive thermometry for medical and industrial applications, is the inventor of the IRt/c and the Temporal Artery Thermometer. He is a world expert in thermometry and thermodynamics.

6 Joke about not yet being dead
Fourier and LaPlace had no reason to solve their equations in this way, since they had no IR sensors, or high speed production lines New method of using their equations to help us speed up production NEW METHODE New Method of Solution Leads to a General Equation for Non-Contact Temperature Monitoring of Internal Temperatures of Moving Materials

7 Principles of the Self-Powered IRt/c
Show the devices Simplicity Built to exacting standards Demo on controller Principles of the Self-Powered IRt/c No Power Required T/C Compatible 0.0001oC Resolution 0.01oC Repeatability Intrinsically Safe Simple, Rugged, Inexpensive mV out = c ( T T - T S ) + ( T -T CJ ) = ) when c = = Seebeck coefficient

8 Principles of the Self-Powered IRt/c
Go far beyond to make IRt/c accurate in real world We correct for reflected error Without this, error is ~ 10 times higher Principles of the Self-Powered IRt/c Calibrated to Real World Surfaces to Reduce Errors Caused by Emissivity < 1 Optimum Temperature Range Selection for Highest Possible Accuracy in Real World Applications Compensates for the Ambient Reflections on Real Surfaces

9 Simple Elegant Design for High Reliability
Mathematical equations solved by drift-free passive components No power requirement Capable of withstanding harsh environments over indefinite times delivering accuracy MBTF ~ 1000 yrs Vs Rs R3 R2 RT C1 R1 + V+ V-

10 Thermal Management: SPEED BOOST

11 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier 1768-1830
Now that we know how to measure accurately, we can focus our attention to the thermal physics of the product itself Fourier is the same that transform named after Descibe variables Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Fourier’s Equation of Heat Conduction Unsteady State Heat Conduction for Moving Materials

12 Pierre Simon Marquis de LaPlace 1749 -1827
Need his help to solve the heat transport equation EE’s might recognized this method Pierre Simon Marquis de LaPlace Laplace Transform Method of Solution Converts Partial Differential Equation to Ordinary Differential Equation

13 Joke about not yet being dead
Fourier and LaPlace had no reason to solve their equations in this way, since they had no IR sensors, or high speed production lines New method of using their equations to help us speed up production Francesco Pompei New Method of Solution Leads to a General Equation for Non-Contact Temperature Monitoring of Internal Temperatures of Moving Materials

14 Which simplifies to

15 Deriving The SPEED BOOST Equation
Set the surface temperature equal to the center temperature, then the equation reduces to Since K2/K1 is a function only of material properties and speed:

16 The SPEED BOOST Equation
The ratio can be formed, which then becomes: The SPEED BOOST Equation General Equation for Non-Contact IR Temperature Monitoring of Internal Temperatures of Moving Materials is Combined with Surface Temperature Leads to Uniform Material Temperature When Controlled via the SPEED BOOST Equation Which Forces the Control System to Apply Heat at an Optimally Balanced Rate

17 Applying The SPEED BOOST Equation
Fortunately we can simplify it quite a bit When this equation holds, temperature gradients will be minimized through the material Applying The SPEED BOOST Equation

18 Example SPEED BOOST: Laminating
Only a small change in roll temp is required to increase speed However note that variations in material feed temp will dramatically change the availble speed Usually causes speeds to be reduced to insure quality Example SPEED BOOST: Laminating Too To Ts Existing Set-up: Too = 105 C Ts = 85 C To = 25C New Set-up: Too = 110 C Potential Speed Increase*: 25% *Assuming all other factors are permitting

19 Example SPEED BOOST: Drying
Increasing heating temp may not be possible due to material limitations Preheat is a very attractive method Example SPEED BOOST: Drying Existing Set-up: Too = 260 C Ts = 85 C To = 25 C New Set-up: To = 40 C (with preheat) Potential Speed Increase*: 33% To Too Ts *Assuming all other factors are permitting

20 Example SPEED BOOST: Heat Sealing
Heat sealing speed can be increased either by raising heater temp or preheat Only modest preheat makes a dramatic difference Start-up is tracked very accurately, reducing time and material daramatically Example SPEED BOOST: Heat Sealing Existing Set-up: Too = 150 C Ts = 120 C To = 25 C New Set-up: To = 45 C (with preheat added) Potential Speed Increase: 27% To Too Ts

21 Product Surface - setpoint Heat Source Temperature
Simple control implementation by using surface temp as controlled variable, but checking the balance to prevent non-uniformities. If stage 4 implemented, then actively preheat to balance the eq. SPEED BOOST Equation Above Can Be a Simplified Control Algorithm Keep Equation Balanced to Within a Few % to Avoid Non-Uniformity in Material Temperature Product Surface - setpoint Heat Source Temperature Product Input Control Loop Gain

22 Case Study on Tire Production
Vulcanizing Temperature = 200C. Green tire storage temperature varies from 0 to 20C. ~10% Throughput increase for ~$100 million plant for cost of ~$100K

23 The role of Exergen We don’t ‘just’ supply sensors, we provide
Custom Specific Assemblies and developments Technical support in the R&D phase and beyond Huge knowledge and experience in thermodynamic processes. Assistance in sensor read-out electronics: the most accurate, fast and cheap solution Wireless sensor readout solutions How does Exergen’s technology fit in YOUR application or system?


25 Principles of the IRt/c: With Heat Balance
Automatically Computes Heat Balance, Using Material Properties Alone Can be Configured for Unpowered IRt/c or Powered Smart IRt/c Configurations mV = c((T - T )(1/k) ) + a (T S - T CJ ) out C S = a (T - T ) when c = ( a k) C CJ a = Seebeck coefficient

26 Non-Invasive Fluid Temperature in Tubing via IRt/c Heat Balance
w Radiation + Convection Heat Transfer q T R f t o s a

27 DX-Series: Measure True Temperature for Calibration
Reflective cup provides true emissivity-free, and reflection-free temperature measurement Primary standard for calibration of IR sensor installations

28 DX-Series: Unique Automatic Emissivity Compensation System (AECS)

29 Speed Boost Equation is Generally Linear for Most Applications
Note that the permissible speed increases as the delt T bar increases Speed Boost Equation is Generally Linear for Most Applications 50 % Increase 25 25 50 Speed % Increase

30 Implementing Speed Boost to Include Non-Linearities
Speed Changes Followed by Renormalization Apply step-wise speed increases in accordance with speed boost equation, and renormalize at new operating condition to account for property changes. For variable speed systems, program to follow the characteristic curve. % Increase 50 25 25 50 Speed % Increase

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