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Welcome to Year Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year Two

2 All of Year 2 staff Red Class Orange Class Class Teacher: Miss Dawson
Class Teacher: Miss Moulding Teaching Assistant: Miss Rylatt Teaching Assistant: Miss Bimpson Teaching Assistant: Mrs Peacock Teaching Assistant: Mrs Rogers Teaching Assistant: Mrs Oral

3 Reminders! Clothing (names!) Toast money *£1 on a Monday
*Named envelope Milk (is done online; any questions, ask in office) *Check children still want it

4 Our Routines Reading books – change books on a Monday and Thursday.
PE – Thursday *After half term PE will be Tuesday *Kit *Earrings *Hair

5 Homework Maths and English homework given out weekly (Friday)
To be completed in pencil. To be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Any homework not completed, must be completed during Friday dinnertime with Mrs Lawell.

6 Spellings Spellings are sent home on a Thursday.
Please do not practise spellings in this book, use a sheet of paper/notebook/whiteboard. Spelling tests take place on Wednesday afternoon. Spelling Tests are completed in the back of the blue spelling book so please ensure they are in school on a Wednesday. This will also mean that you are able to see their spelling score when the new spellings go home on Thursday.

7 What you can do at home… READING - Please read as much as you can (even if it’s just a couple of pages a night!) Remember to sign reading record book. WRITING – Practise writing in sentences at any and every opportunity. E.g shopping lists, diaries, letters to family members, cards, postcards. MATHS – counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, times table rockstars, counting money, adding and subtracting (everyday problems – e.g I need 12 carrots for my recipe. I have 6. How many more do I need?

8 This term... English – Stories in familiar settings, Non-chronological reports, poetry Maths – Numbers to 100 (Place Value), addition and subtraction, multiplication and division of 2,5 and 10 Guided Reading Topic – Local Area Music – Sounds and pulse PE – Dance and Sports Coaching RE – The Bible, Different faiths and religions

9 Our expectations... Dates and Learning Objectives
Cursive handwriting (not joining please) Learning completed in the time given. Best presentation Quiet independent learning Participation and careful listening If children are choosing not to meet the expectations, they will be required to complete learning in play times.

10 E-Safety

11 games consoles (Playstation, Wii, DS, Xbox) iPods e-readers
How can children get online? PC laptops tablets (iPad etc) games consoles (Playstation, Wii, DS, Xbox) iPods e-readers smartphones smart TV/ blu-ray players

12 talking to people (Skype) sharing information
What could they be doing online? playing games talking to people (Skype) sharing information searching for information sending messages social networking making friends purchasing goods/ apps/ services

13 accessing inappropriate websites
Risks children face online cyber-bullying accessing inappropriate websites losing control over images and videos they post viruses hacking of files grooming fines for using photos/ images without permission slander or contempt of court for reposting tweets and posts

14 Tools to protect your children – Parental Control
Every parental control package is different, but most provide services such as: Filtering – content to restrict access to particular sites Time limits – restrict the amount of time your child can be online, or set periods of time where your child can access certain sites Monitoring – where you are informed of certain sites that your child is attempting to gain access to.

15 Reporting – where you are provided with information about what sites your child has used.

16 Let them teach you The people who know best about what your children are up to online, are your children! Get them to tell you about the sites they’re using. Ask them questions such as: ◦Why do they like the site? ◦What can they do on it? ◦What’s so fun about it? ◦Who uses it at school? ◦Who you can talk to? ◦Who are their friends on it? This is a good way to develop a trusting relationship with your child about what they are up to online.

17 1.Do not delete the message 2.Don’t show the message to other children
E-Safety (Messages) Your children may have their own mobile phone, account or social network page, so it is important they know what to do when things go wrong. 1.Do not delete the message 2.Don’t show the message to other children 3.Go to a grown up to tell them, not a friend 4.Do not respond to any messages

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