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THEATRE ARTS Common Core Vocabulary #1 WS/FCS

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1 THEATRE ARTS Common Core Vocabulary #1 WS/FCS
Jeopardy THEATRE ARTS Common Core Vocabulary #1 WS/FCS

2 Choice1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 The art of acting without words.
What is pantomime? The art of acting without words. Row 1, Col 1

4 The impromptu portrayal of a
What is improvisation? The impromptu portrayal of a character or scene without any rehearsal or preparation. 1,2

5 The person or the force working the main character in the play.
What is an antagonist? The person or the force working against the main character in the play. 1,3

6 The element of plot that is the or an explanation of the outcome.
What is denouement? The element of plot that is the solution of a mystery or an explanation of the outcome. 1,4

7 A group of people working to produce a single effect.
What is an ensemble? A group of people working together to produce a single effect. 2,1

8 The selection and pronunciation of the words and their combinations in
What is diction/articulation? The selection and pronunciation of the words and their combinations in speech; speaking clearly. 2,2

9 An element of the plot that introduces the play to the audience and
What is the exposition? An element of the plot that introduces the play to the audience and gives the who, when, where and why. 2,3

10 A speech delivered by a single
What is a monologue? A speech delivered by a single actor spoken to another character or group of characters. 2,4

11 The highness or lowness
What is pitch? The highness or lowness of the voice. 3,1

12 The main character of a story.
What is the protagonist? The main character of a story. 3,2

13 The sound of a particular voice.
What is vocal quality? The sound of a particular voice. 3,3

14 A speech delivered by an actor, that reveals the character’s
What is a soliloquy? A speech delivered by an actor, alone on stage, that reveals the character’s innermost thoughts. 3,4

15 The audience sits on one side for this type of stage.
Where does the audience sit for a proscenium stage? The audience sits on one side for this type of stage. 4,1

16 The audience sits on all three sides for this type of stage.
Where does the audience sit for a thrust stage? The audience sits on all three sides for this type of stage. 4,2

17 The audience sits all the way around this type of stage.
Where does the audience sit for an arena stage? The audience sits all the way around this type of stage. 4,3

18 The technical term for actors’
What is blocking? The technical term for actors’ movement on stage. 4,4

19 The areas on the left and right
What are the wings? The areas on the left and right of the stage, hidden by the legs. 5,1

20 actor’s ______________.
What three things make up the actor’s instrument? These three things: voice, body and imagination, make up the actor’s ______________. 5,2

21 The theatrical term that refers to speaking loudly and clearly.
What is projection? The theatrical term that refers to speaking loudly and clearly. 5,3

22 The reason behind a character’s behavior.
What is motivation? The reason behind a character’s behavior. 5,4

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