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ERASMUS+ Lets Say STOP to Gender Discrimination in Education

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1 ERASMUS+ Lets Say STOP to Gender Discrimination in Education
Italia stop to gender discrimination



4 THE CASTLE STORY The castle of Barletta, located in the city of Puglia, is the architectural result of a number of layers due to the succession of different dynasties in power, successive eleventh century to the eighteenth century. Once a fortress for defense, surrounded by the sea that occupied the moat around the castle and isolated him from potential enemies, is a strategic point in the city life as well as a major urban core. It is houses the town library, the municipal museum and a conference and exhibition hall. Among the works preserved, over an alleged bust of Frederick II of Swabia limestone, dating from the thirteenth century, it is here placed the sarcophagus of the Apostles, high-relief stone first evidence of Christianity in Barletta, dating back to the period between the third and fourth century.

5 CATHEDRAL The Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore is the largest building of Barletta Catholic worship, located in the historic city center, at the end of Via Duomo is the oldest center of religious life of the city and its urban core: the design of the urban fabric shows the centripetal force of its mother church. The current building is presented as a complex organism but unitary, consists of two distinct parts: the front is typically Romanesque, before the second, the rear Significantly greater gothic characters. Santa Maria Maggiore is the result of a series of successive architectural styles over the centuries, since the pre-Christian era that saw the start of the current building in 1126 and lasted until the fourteenth century. First distinguished collegiate Barletta, in the centuries claiming exemptions and autonomy from other jurisdictions, was elevated to archdiocese Barletta Cathedral - Nazareth by Pope Pius IX in the papal bull Inscrutable Of 21 April It is a minor basilica since Since 1986 he has co-cathedral of the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie.

6 ERACLIO The tradition, narrated by the writings of a seventeenth century Jesuit, wants the Colossus, forged by this Polifobo, was removed by the Venetians during the sack of Constantinople in 1204, and abandoned during the return trip on Barletta's beach because of the navigation made critical by a storm and the heavy load.






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