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Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union

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Presentation on theme: "Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union

2 MT- EU2017 Challenges: Migration and Terrorist threat
Close collaboration with the Slovak Presidency

3 Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum
Proceed with the discussions proposals to revise the Common European Asylum System Legislative negotiations on the revision of the Blue Card Directive

4 Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum
Importance to the external dimension of Immigration and asylum – New Partnership Framework with third countries with the priority: Saving lives in the Mediterranean; Increase the rate of returns to countries of origin and transit; Enable migrants to stay close to home and avoid taking dangerous journeys.

5 Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum
Monitor the implementation of measures that have already been agreed upon the external dimension by following up on the Valletta Summit on Migration.

6 Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum
External Border Management – a key issue in ensuring security while maintaining smooth cross border crossings. Build on Slovak Presidency by aiming to register significant on the Smart Borders – EU Entry/Exit System & European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS).

7 Maltese Presidency Priorities on Migration and asylum
Fight against illegal migration: Action Plan against Migrant Smuggling; Action Plan on Returns; Legislative Proposals

8 Maltese Presidency Priorities on Internal Security and Terrorism
Importance to the implementation of the Renewed Internal Security Strategy and the Roadmap on Interoperability of databases.

9 Maltese Presidency Priorities on Internal Security and Terrorism
Fight against terrorism and serious organised crime: CEPOL Presidency seminar: Preventing radicalisation to terrorism and violent extremism: strengthening the Member State’s response (21-23 February 2017) Steer conclusion of the current Policy Cycle ( ); Advance plans for the next Policy Cycle; Take forward the legislative negotiations on Firearms Directive; Possible proposal on combating fraud and counterfeiting of non- cash means of payment.

10 Internal Security and Terrorism – EU Drugs Strategy
Implementation of the EU Drugs Strategy: Preparation of the Action Plan following assessment of the EU- Strategy 2016; Finalisation of the New Psychoactive Substances legislation; Co-ordinate the process following UNGASS 2016 Preparations for 2019 of the 2009 Political Declaration.

11 2nd Management Board Meeting Corinthia Hotel, St George’s Bay, Malta 9-10 May 2017

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