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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment

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1 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
First Amendment to the US Constitution Bill of Rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Christianity used to justify American slavery Frederick Douglass response Black churches formed in the 19th century by free Blacks: American Methodist Episcopal, AME Zion, Baptist

2 The ‘Bible Belt’

3 The Influence of Religion in American Society
A divisive factor: Who’s an American? Science Education in Public Schools Supreme Court Cases Politics & Elections Historical background discussion - secondary source: True-History-of-Religious-Tolerance.html

4 Americanism: anti-Black anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant
Ku Klux Klan revived in Georgia in 1915, but grew in strength in the Midwest and West – Ohio, Indiana, Oregon – approx. 5 million members by 1925 Supported by anti-Catholic Fundamentalist ministers Organized boycotts of Catholic businesses Condemned Catholic politicians Attacked Catholic churches and priests Americanism: anti-Black anti-Jewish, anti-immigrant Hiram Evans – Imperial Wizard of the KKK 1926: « the Klan has come to speak for the great mass of old pioneer stock against the intellectually mongrelized Liberals » « an alien usually remains an alien, no matter what is done to him,what veneer of education he gets, what oaths he takes, nor what public attitudes he adopts »

5 Indiana 1920s

6 Indiana 1920s

7 Seattle 1920s Indiana 1922

8 “At the top of the list of enemies were Roman Catholics
“At the top of the list of enemies were Roman Catholics. Centuries-old tales and prejudices revived under Klan propaganda, with emphasis on a foreign-led church intent on destroying Protestantism and American democracy. The foreign-born themselves constituted a second Klan enemy, for they too threatened Protestantism and democracy. Blacks were a third enemy, though less dangerous than Catholics, except in a few cities where their segregated neighborhoods were expanding. And the enemy included all those immoral and indecent Hoosiers who put the roar into the Roaring Twenties: adulterers, gamblers, prohibition violators, corrupt politicians, and undisciplined youth.”

9 Religion and Education: The Scopes ‘Monkey’ Trial 1925 Tennessee
ACLU = American Civil Liberties Union Clarence Darrow William Jennings Bryan Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestants- literal interpretation of the Bible Attack on the teaching of Darwinian evolution in public schools Darrow & Bryan John Scopes

10 Charles Darwin The Origin of Species 1859 Recent cases involving the teaching of evolution and creationism Including Kansas Board of Education 2005 The-Conflict-Between-Religion-and-Evolution.aspx

11 Religion and the Courts: Roe v. Wade
Pro-Choice versus Pro-Life Abortion debate as a lightening rod for the rise of the religious right in the 1970s

12 Religion and politics:
1960 presidential election- JFK’s speech to Protestant ministers in Houston “I am not the Catholic candidate for president. I am the Democratic Party's candidate for president, who happens also to be a Catholic. I do not speak for my church on public matters, and the church does not speak for me.”

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