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CHAPTER 7 Hammering Out a Federal Republic 1787–1820

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1 CHAPTER 7 Hammering Out a Federal Republic 1787–1820
James A. Henretta Eric Hinderaker Rebecca Edwards Robert O. Self America’s History Eighth Edition America: A Concise History Sixth Edition CHAPTER 7 Hammering Out a Federal Republic 1787–1820 Copyright © 2014 by Bedford/St. Martin’s

2 1. What are the various elements depicted in this image that dates from 1800? (Answer: In the foreground are the Goddess of Liberty holding an American flag, a stone monument memorializing George Washington, and a small black boy dressed in Native American garb. In the background is Niagara Falls, which was an iconic American landmark. Beneath the falls are Native American hunters.) 2. What purpose did an image like this serve in the United States in 1800? (Answer: Images like this one sought to represent all that was significant and representative of the new United States. This particular image includes its still unspoiled national landscape, its diverse population, its national flag, the Goddess of Liberty as a symbol of its unique republican government and culture, its national flag, and a monument to the nation’s most important military general and first president. It conveyed to American and international viewers the elements that served as points of national identity and pride.) 3. All of the elements in this image served as symbols of America in Which of these lasted as iconic symbols of America over time, and which fell out of favor? Why? (Answer: Lady Liberty, the flag, presidential monuments, and geographical landmarks survived as iconic symbols over the long term. Americans continued to embrace these symbols because they served as points of pride. Native Americans and African Americans were not used to symbolize American pride and identity over time. They probably fell out of favor because they represented the nation’s history of genocide and slavery, which were not points of national pride.)

3 I. The Political Crisis of the 1790s
A. The Federalists Implement the Constitution 1. Devising the New Government 2. The Bill of Rights

4 I. The Political Crisis of the 1790s
B. Hamilton’s Financial Program 1. Public Credit: Redemption and Assumption 2. Creating a National Bank 3. Raising Revenue Through Tariffs


6 I. The Political Crisis of the 1790s
C. Jefferson’s Agrarian Vision 1. Southern planters and western farmers


8 I. The Political Crisis of the 1790s
D. The French Revolution Divides Americans 1. Ideological Politics 2. Jay’s Treaty 3. The Haitian Revolution


10 I. The Political Crisis of the 1790s
E. The Rise of Political Parties 1. Public interest 2. The Naturalization, Alien, and Sedition Acts of The “Revolution of 1800”



13 II. A Republican Empire Is Born
A. Sham Treaties and Indian Lands 1. The Treaty of Greenville 2. Assimilation Rejected


15 1. Who is pictured in this painting of the signing of the Treaty of Greenville? (Answer: On the right are Americans—General Anthony Wayne and some of his fellow officers, with random American soldiers in the far and central left. Left—probably Miami Chief Little Turtle, Wyondot Chief Tarhe the Crane, and one other Indian leader.) 2. What does the painting suggest about how the terms of the treaty were drafted? Do you see this as realistic or unrealistic? (Answer: Landscape indicates treaty was written/signed in the outdoors in an idyllic setting. Front Indian’s stance and arm gestures suggest he is telling the kneeling white American what to write. Generals’ hats off, hands behind backs, calm demeanor suggests they are respectful and even passive participants. Actually, treaty favored Americans and was drafted/signed after Indians’ defeat at Fallen Timbers; Americans, not Indians, dictated terms. Thousands of Indians were present, and they were likely the passive participants. Likely took place in a more formal setting.) 3. This painting was made by an American artist who clearly romanticized the scene. How might a Native American artist have depicted the same event? (Answer: Indians would have likely shown their defeat, perhaps the effects of fighting and bloodshed and coercion.)

16 II. A Republican Empire Is Born
B. Migration and the Changing Farm Economy 1. Southern Migrants 2. Exodus from New England 3. Innovation on Eastern Farms 16



19 II. A Republican Empire Is Born
C. The Jefferson Presidency 1. Policies 2. Marbury v. Madison

20 II. A Republican Empire is Born
D. Jefferson and the West 1. The Louisiana Purchase 2. Secessionist Schemes 3. Lewis and Clark Meet the Mandans and Sioux II. A Republican Empire is Born D. Jefferson and the West 1. The Louisiana Purchase – Jefferson wanted it to be easier for farm families to acquire land in the West; in 1801, Napoleon signed a secret treaty with Spain that regained Louisiana for France; coupled with revolt in Haiti against French rule, Jefferson began to fear relationship with France; made efforts to purchase New Orleans (ultimately all of Louisiana); Jefferson believed this would force Indian population further west. 2. Secessionist Schemes – Some New England Federalists considered leaving the Union after Louisiana Purchase to form a confederacy of northeastern states, supported by Vice President Aaron Burr; Hamilton accused Burr of planning to destroy the Union; a duel occurred between the men and Hamilton was killed; Burr was later acquitted of treason. 3. Lewis and Clark Meet the Mandans and Sioux – In 1804, Jefferson sent his secretary Meriwether Lewis and army officer William Clark to explore the Louisiana region; came into contact with Mandan and Sioux peoples; continued traveling further (1,300 miles) into unknown territories; gave to Jefferson the first maps of the immense western wilderness and a detailed account of its resources and inhabitants.

21 1. What is the central action of this image
1. What is the central action of this image? (Answer: American naval ships are bombarding the city of Tripoli in North Africa. Large warships bomb the city while small gunboats defend the fleet. In the background, Tripoli burns.) 2. What does this image reveal about the state of the American military during the Democratic-Republican Jefferson administration? (Answer: Jefferson was a proponent of small government and small federal expenditures, and yet this image reveals that the U.S. Navy was robust enough to travel to the Mediterranean and wage a serious fight in the Barbary States. The image depicts an impressive number of vessels, many sailors, and a considerable amount of ammunition. Ultimately, Jefferson did sign a peace treaty with the Barbary States precisely because the battle was expensive.)


23 III. The War of 1812 and the Transformation of Politics
A. Conflict in the Atlantic and the West 1. The Embargo of Western War Hawks



26 III. The War of 1812 and the Transformation of Politics
B. The War of Federalists Oppose the War 2. Peace Overtures and a Final Victory



29 III. The War of 1812 and the Transformation of Politics
C. The Federalist Legacy 1. Marshall’s Federalist Law 2. Asserting National Supremacy 3. Upholding Vested Property Rights 4. The Diplomacy of John Quincy Adams 5. Monroe Doctrine



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