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Quick Write Is it really possible to understand your enemy – what they want, and what they believe – and not love them the way they love themselves? Why.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Write Is it really possible to understand your enemy – what they want, and what they believe – and not love them the way they love themselves? Why."— Presentation transcript:


2 Quick Write Is it really possible to understand your enemy – what they want, and what they believe – and not love them the way they love themselves? Why or Why Not?

3 Oral Response My partner says that if you really understand your enemy, you ( will / will not) love them as you love yourself because ______________.

4 Objective Students will complete 5 paragraphs analyzing and evaluating the characters, plot and theme in Ender’s Game. Students copy. Random CFU now + throughout lesson.

5 Preemptive strategies

6 Preemptive strategies
Preemptive strategies to prevent cavities might include brushing and flossing after every meal.

7 Preemptive Strategies
Preemptive strategies to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons might call for economic boycotts, trade embargos, and even a military attack.

8 fluke A one-time occurrence, that is unlikely to repeat.
It was a fluke that while walking to school I passed by someone shooting a bow and arrow! I Do. Students take notes. Random CFU

9 Shocking News! On the way back to earth to transfer to a rocket to command school, we learn: Col. Graff has been arrested for allowing the deaths of 2 students Bonzo Madrid Stillson Ender doesn’t know it, but he killed them both!

10 Pseudonyms Demosthenes Locke Paranoid anti-Russian writer
Exploits people’s fears Locke followed moderate empathic strategies REVIEW - HOTS - Why do you think Peter assigned Val a character with a personality the opposite of her true character?

11 Chapter 13 P. 233 Bottom (This time Val had grown up….)
To P. 242 Bottom Line Audio Begin chap 24 04:54

12 Valentine as Demosthenes and Peter as Locke are creating problems for the IF because (1)________________. Valentine’s true personality is (2)_____________, however she is becoming more like her Demosthenes persona, which is (3)____________________. Peter, meanwhile, is becoming angry with Valentine because (4)____________ and (5)______________. Graff greets Val, and asks her to (6)______________. REVIEW March 15 summary.

13 Read for a Purpose What will Ender decide and why?
How will Ender and Valentine feel towards one another? How will Valentine appeal to Ender to go to Command School? How will Val respond to Ender’s doubt that he can defeat the Buggers? What will Ender decide and why?

14 #1 Val talks with Ender on a raft on the lake, so that _____________. This shows that _________________. She squeezes his leg where she tickled him when they were little, but Ender ___________. This reveals that Ender ____________________.

15 #2 Val uses a metaphor to compare herself, Peter and Ender: “Two faces of the same coin. And I am the metal in between.” This metaphor means that ____________________. Val wonders if maybe her, Peter and Ender were the same, and the only reason they thought they were different was due to_____________. Explain “metaphor”. Random CFU.

16 #3 Ender confides in Val that he keeps having nightmares that: These nightmares might symbolize Ender’s desire ____________.

17 #4 Ender confides in Val This suggests a possible theme of Ender’s Game being _________________________.

18 #5 Val invokes the name of Mazer Rackham, hoping to appeal to Ender based upon ________, however Ender _______________. Finally, Val appeals to Ender successfully based upon _________________, and he accedes. Clearly, Ender _______________ and _____________________________. Accedes = agrees to a demand or request. Explain in context. Random CFU.

19 Exit Visa Create and Illustrate a Cartoon with Dialogue, and indicate what this reveals about the characters, plot or theme!

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