Earthquakes and Volcanoes

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquakes and Volcanoes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Two of nature’s examples of the Earth’s continuously moving crust.

2 Earthquakes

3 Earthquake Definition: Example
The shaking and trembling that results from the sudden movement of part of the Earth’s crust. Example Like throwing a pebble into a pond Waves move outward in all directions When rocks in the Earth’s’ crust break, earthquake waves travel through the Earth in all directions.

4 Major Causes What are the major causes of earthquakes? Faulting
Fault is a break in the earth’s crust along which movement occurs Parts of earth’s crust are pushed together or pulled apart Rocks break and slide past one another Energy is released causing nearby rocks to move F A U L T I N G

5 Seismic Waves Focus Epicenter Point where rocks break and move
Underground point of origin Epicenter Directly above focus Waves reach epicenter first Most violent shaking On earth’s surface

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