College of Computer Science OBE Implementation on Curriculum Revisions

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Presentation on theme: "College of Computer Science OBE Implementation on Curriculum Revisions"— Presentation transcript:

1 College of Computer Science OBE Implementation on Curriculum Revisions
BS Information Technology Service Management BS Computer Science Major in Application Development BS Computer Network Administration

2 Flowofactivities OBE A End Start
Conducted Echo –Seminar to Faculty Members Review and Develop Existing Curricula through OBE Present PEO, BCG, and LO Redesign Course Syllabi End Start VPAA’s Initiative to Implement OBE in UMak Attended OBE Orientation at the Integration Room Attended OBE Orientation Workshop facilitated by PSITE - NCR A

3 BrandofCollegeGraduate (BCG)
endinmind Institutional Graduate Attributes University V/M College Graduate Attributes CCS V/M UMak – CCS/IT Graduate


5 ProgramEducationalObjective (PEO)
“The COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE will produce graduates who are highly competitive IT professionals, morally upright individuals and capable of delivering relevant solutions and services.” – CCS OBE Team July 30, 2013


7 ProgramEducationalObjective (PEO)
“The COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE will produce graduates who are highly competitive IT professionals, morally upright individuals and capable of delivering relevant solutions and services.” – CCS OBE Team July 30, 2013


9 Highly Competitive IT Professionals BCG1
Brand of College Graduate (BCG) or College Graduate Attributes (CGA) CODE College Graduate Outcomes Highly Competitive IT Professionals BCG1 Generates analysis, design, and systems appropriate for the computing specialization or Information Technology from a well-defined problems and requirements in the most favorable provisions. Morally Upright Individuals BCG2 Demonstrates conformity to high moral rectitude and system of rules. Capable of delivering relevant solutions and services BCG3 Provides and communicates applicable solutions and services that include strategic planning, technology evaluation and planning, and complex business information synthesis that enable the organization to achieve its goals.

10 OurAddedGoal To develop Outcomes Based Learning standards that comply with existing international standards to facilitate free flow of qualified labor here and abroad.

11 Lucky for the computing field
Seoul Accord ABET for Computing Programs

12 The Washington Accord signed in 1989 was the first - it recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of qualifications in professional engineering, normally of four years duration. The Sydney Accord commenced in 2001 and recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of qualifications in engineering technology, normally of three years duration. The Dublin Accord is an agreement for substantial equivalence in the accreditation of tertiary qualifications in technician engineering, normally of two years duration. It commenced in 2002. The Seoul Accord established in 2008, is a mutual recognition agreement pertaining to computing and IT-related programs accredited by its signatories within their respective jurisdiction

13 Computing: Seoul Accord
Established in 2008, a mutual recognition agreement pertaining to computing and IT-related programs accredited by its signatories within their respective jurisdiction. Signatories to the Seoul Accord are organizations responsible for accrediting computing and IT-related programs in Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Seoul Accord assists in determining if a computing or IT-related program in one jurisdictions is recognized for purposes of licensure and registration, employment, or admission to graduate school in another jurisdictions.


15 International Standard Graduate Attribute
Seoul Accord vis-à-vis ABET Graduate Attributes Seoul Accord Graduate Outcomes ABET Computing Programs International Standard Graduate Attribute

16 Seoul Accord vis-à-vis ABET
Graduate Attributei Graduate Outcomesii Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems CP1 Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the program’s student outcomes and to the discipline; Problem Analysis CP2 Analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution; Design/ Development of Solutions CP3 Design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs; Individual and Team Work CP4 Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal; Communication CP5 Communicate effectively with a range of audiences; Ethics CP6 Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities; Computing Professionalism and Society CP7 Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society; Life-Long Learning CP8 Recognize the need for an ability to engage in independent learning for continual professional development; Modern Tool Usage CP9 Use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice. [i] Seoul Accord Graduate Attributes [ii] Internationall Suggested Student Outcomes (ABET)

17 Brand of College Graduate (BCG) or College Graduate Attributes (CGA)
GENERAL HARMONIZATION MAP DEVELOPED BCG vis-à-vis INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Brand of College Graduate (BCG) or College Graduate Attributes (CGA) General Mapping of Codes Graduate Attributes Highly Competitive IT Professionals BCG1 CP1 Knowledge for Solving Computing Problems CP2 Problem Analysis CP3 Design/ Development of Solutions Morally Upright Individuals BCG2 CP4 Individual and Team Work CP6 Ethics CP7 Computing Professionalism and Society CP8 Life-Long Learning Capable of delivering relevant solutions and services BCG3 CP5 Communication CP9 Modern Tool Usage

18 What we did…

Formulate the Institutional Educational Philosophy Translate Vision-Mission to Institutional Graduate Attribute Translate Institutional Graduate Attribute to Program Attributes and Outcomes Seoul Accord Graduate Outcomes HARMONIED GRADUATE OUTCOMES

20 Institutional Program Level Revisit Vision-Mission
Revisit Computing Program Knowledge and Understanding Body of Knowledge and Skills Formulate the Institutional Educational Philosophy Translate Vision-Mission to Institutional Graduate Attribute Translate Institutional Graduate Attribute to Program Attributes and Outcomes Seoul Accord Graduate Outcomes Decide on a Curricular Structure CHED Minimum Standards Develop Learning Outcomes per Course Curriculum Map Live the Educational Philosophy Program (Training, Culture-Change, etc.) Syllabus Development Course Implementation

21 Initial Efforts on the Curricular Structure of Major Courses



24 Coding Scheme

25 Our Steps Conduct meeting with Faculty Members to finalize Major Courses to be included in the Curricular Offering Redesign Course Syllabi following OBE Principles Schedule consultative meetings with Department Heads (Mathematics, Business Courses, etc) Finalize Curricular Revisions Present Revised Curriculum to AAC and UC for Approval

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