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The Cricket in Time Square

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Presentation on theme: "The Cricket in Time Square"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cricket in Time Square
Chirp- A short, sharp sound made by a cricket. Furiously- Quickly, wildly. Melody- A succession of single tones of music. Occasion- A special event. Railroad- The track with steel rails on which a trains travel. Subway- An underground electric railway. Traffic- Coming and going along a way of travel. Venturing- Daring to go. Eavesdropping- Listening to talk that you aren’t supposed to hear. Liverwurst- A sausage made mostly of liver. Scrounging- Searching about for what you can find. Sympathetically- With kindness.

2 _________________ A short, sharp sound made by a cricket. _________________ Quickly, wildly. _________________ A succession of single tones of music. _________________ A special event. The track with steel rails on which a trains travel. _________________ An underground electric railway. _________________ _________________ Coming and going along a way of travel. _________________ Daring to go. _________________ Listening to talk that you aren’t supposed to hear. A sausage made mostly of liver. _________________ Searching about for what you can find. _________________ _________________ With kindness.

3 _________________ A short, sharp sound made by a cricket. _________________ Quickly, wildly. _________________ A succession of single tones of music. _________________ A special event. The track with steel rails on which a trains travel. _________________ An underground electric railway. _________________ _________________ Coming and going along a way of travel. _________________ Daring to go. _________________ Listening to talk that you aren’t supposed to hear. A sausage made mostly of liver. _________________ Searching about for what you can find. _________________ _________________ With kindness.

4 Sympathetically- A short, sharp sound made by a cricket. Furiously- Quickly, wildly. Eavesdropping- A succession of single tones of music. Venturing- A special event. The track with steel rails on which a trains travel. Occasion- An underground electric railway. Subway- Chirp- Coming and going along a way of travel. Railroad- Daring to go. Scrounging- Listening to talk that you aren’t supposed to hear. Melody- A sausage made mostly of liver. Liverwurst- Searching about for what you can find. Traffic- With kindness.

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