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Revelation 2:10 (NKJV) 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that.

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Presentation on theme: "Revelation 2:10 (NKJV) 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revelation 2:10 (NKJV) 10 Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.


3 Faithfulness Today we announce our new theme for 2017
We certainly do not want to forget about our theme from last year or any of the previous years We seek to build on the foundation that has already been laid

4 Faithfulness The theme we have chosen for 2017 is “Faithfulness”
Our theme verse comes from the admonition Christ gave the church at Smyrna in Revelation 2:10 “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life”

5 Faithfulness Becoming a Christian can be one of the most exciting and encouraging decisions we ever make If that was all there was to it, perhaps we could say it was a piece of cake Then the rest of our life happens...

6 Faithfulness The Bible speaks in many places about the idea of faithfulness and apostasy It tells us over and over that it is possible to fall away It also teaches us that faithfulness to God is vital to eternal life

7 Faithfulness We also know that Satan does not give up on us…he continues to seek us like a roaring lion (I Pet. 5:8) He doesn’t just want to tempt us or cause us to stumble He wants to DEVOUR us!!

8 Faithfulness So once you become a Christian you have a target on your back Satan will do all that he can to keep you from remaining faithful to God We see it all the time, people who make a commitment to God, only to go back on that commitment

9 Faithfulness So we need faithfulness
We need to encourage faithfulness, to preach faithfulness, to promote faithfulness Our theme centers on helping us make it through the temptations and struggles that seek to pull us away

10 Faithfulness Defined The word faithful in Revelation 2:10 certainly carries with it the idea of loyalty However, the main thrust of this word’s meaning is to trust, rely on or depend on That is something that is reciprocal

11 Faithfulness Defined Certainly God is faithful, in that we can trust in Him, rely and depend on Him We are to be faithful so that God can depend on us Abraham was a man that certainly fit that description

12 Faithfulness Demonstrated
Hebrews 11:17-19 Account is found in Genesis 22 Abraham had already received the promise from God that would come through Isaac Abraham trusted God; could God trust him?

13 Faithfulness Demonstrated
Abraham proved that God was faithful by putting his trust in God and doing what He was told Abraham didn’t know the how, but he knew the Who Abraham showed his own faithfulness by being a man who God could trust

14 Faithfulness Demonstrated
Abraham was faithful to God in that not only was he loyal, but He had complete trust in Him It takes that complete trust in God in order to not only be faithful now, but to remain faithful until death Do you trust God?

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