Protein folding Primary structure itself results in some folding constraints: See bottom of handout 3-3.

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1 Protein folding Primary structure itself results in some folding constraints: See bottom of handout 3-3


3 These 4 red atoms are in one plane (C of C=O central)
And these 4 atoms are in one plane (N central) These 4 red atoms are in one plane (C of C=O central)  so 6 atoms in one plane





8 There’s still plenty of flexibility

9 H Secondary structure: the alpha helix Amino acids shown
simplified, without side chains and H’s. H Almost every N-H and C=O group can participate

10 Side chains = -CH3 (lighter gray) H’s not shown
Alpha helix depictions C = grays N = blue O = red Poly alanine Side chains = -CH3 (lighter gray) H’s not shown

11 Linus Pauling and a model of the alpha helix.1963

12 beta pleated sheet Secondary structure: H-bond AA residue

13 Beta sheet (i.e., beta pleated sheet)
antiparallel antiparallel parallel

14 Beta-sheets Anti-parallel Parallel

15 secondary structure (my definition):
structure produced by regular repeated interactions between atoms of the backbone.

16 Tertiary structure: The overall 3-D structure of a polypeptide.
Neither This is a popular “ribbon” model of protein structure. Get familiar with it. The ribbons are stretches of single polypeptide chains. A single ribbon is NOT a sheet. 3 alpha helices A beta sheet These “ribbon” depictions do not show the side chains, only the backbone

17 Tertiary structure (overall 3-D)
ionic hydrophobic H-bond cys Ion - dipole interaction covalent Van der Waals Examples of bonds determining 3D structure Exist in loop regions and in regions of secondary structure

18 Disulfide bond formation
(covalent, strong) Sulfhydryl group ½ O2 R-CH2-SH + HS-CH2-R R-CH2-S-S-CH2-R + HOH cysteine cysteine cystine Two sulfhydryls have been oxidized (lost H’s) Oxygen has been reduced (gained H’s). Oxygen was the oxidizing agent (acceptor of the H’s). An oxidation-reduction reaction: Cysteines are getting oxidized (losing H atoms, with electron; NOT losing a proton, not like acids.) Oxygen is getting reduced, gaining H-atoms and electrons Actually it’s the loss and gain of the electrons that constitutes oxidation and reduction, respectively. No catalyst is usually needed here.

19 Stays intact in the jacuzzi at 37 deg C
Overall 3-D structure of a polypeptide is tertiary structure Stays intact in the jacuzzi at 37 deg C Usually does not require the strong covalent disulfide bond to maintain its 3-D structure [Tuber mode]l

20 Protein structures are depicted in a variety of ways
Backbone only Ribbon Small molecule bound Drawing attention to a few side groups Continuous lines, ribbons= backbone (not sheets) Space-filling Space-filing, with surface charge blue = + red = -

21 Most proteins are organized into

22 Handout 4-2

23 Two different proteins with almost the same 3-D structure ! Handout 4-2

Monomeric protein (no quaternary structure) Dimeric protein (a homodimer) The usual weak bonds Dimeric protein (a heterodimer) Also called: multimeric proteins A heterotetramer A heteropolymeric protein (large one)

25 Hemoglobin  $ One protein  $ Four polypeptide chains,
2 identical alphas and 2 identical betas Four “subunits” Molecular weight 16,000 Subunit molecular weight $ 16,000 Subunit molecular weight $ 64,000 Protein molecular weight $ 64,000, even though the 4 chains are not covalently bonded to each other

26 Interchain disulfide bonds
Tetramer Two heavy chains (H), Two light chains (L) Interchain disulfide bonds The 4 weak bond types

27 Sickle cell disease Normal Sickle cell glu glu val

28 Some small molecules can be bound tightly to a protein.
Such associated small molecule are called “prosthetic groups”. Some are even covalently bound to the protein. Pyridoxal phosphate AA side chain Enzyme = Vitamin B6

29 Tetrahydrofolic acid Riboflavin ~ vitamin B2 Heme
Most prosthetic groups are bound tightly via weak bonds. Tetrahydrofolic acid ~ vitamin B9 Riboflavin ~ vitamin B2 Heme

30 Membrane proteins Hydrophobic side chains on the protein exterior for the portion in contact with the interior of the phospholipid bilayer. Anions are negatively charged. Cations are positively charged

31 Small molecules bind with great specificity to pockets on protein surfaces
Too far

32 Ligand Protein

33 Testosterone Estrogen Ligand binding can be equisitely specific:
the estrogen reeptor binds estrogen but not testosterone. Testosterone Estrogen

34 Protein separation methods Ultracentrifugation
Mixture of proteins

35 Ultracentrifuge

36 Causing sedimentation:
centrifugal force = m(omega)2r m = mass omega = angular velocity r = distance from the center of rotation Opposing sedimentation = friction = foV. fo = frictional coefficient (shape) V = velocity Constant velocity is soon reached; then, no tnet force So: centrifugal force = frictional force (balanced each other out) And so: m(omega)2r =  foV And:  V = m(omega)2r/fo, Or:  V = [(omega)2r] x [m / fo] V proportional to mass (MW) V inversely proportional to fo V inversely proportional to “non-sphericity” (spherical shape moves fastest)

37 Sample loaded here + + + +++ +++ +++ + + + +++ +++ +++ (“native”)
Glass plates Sample loaded here Winner: Small, +++ High positive charge + + + Loser: Large, + low positive charge +++ +++ +++ poly- acrylamide fibers + Intermediate: Large, +++ high positive charge + + Intermediate: Small, + Low positive charge +++ +++ +++ Molecules shown after several hours of electrophoresis

38 Upper resevoir Cut out for contact of buffer with gel

39 Cut out of glass plate for contact of buffer with gel
Clamped glass sandwich Electrode connection (~ 150 V) Reservoir for buffer

40 Power supply Happy post-doc Tracking dyes


42 SDS PAGE = SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS (or SLS): CH3-(CH2)11- SO4-- CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-SO4-- SDS All the polypeptides are denatured and behave as random coils All the polypeptides have the same charge per unit length All are subject to the same electromotive force in the electric field Separation based on the sieving effect of the polyacrylamide gel Separation is by molecular weight only SDS does not break covalent bonds (i.e., disulfides) (but can treat with mercaptoethanol for that) (and perhaps boil for a bit for good measure)

43 Disulfides between 2 cysteines can be cleaved in the laboratory by reduction, i.e., adding 2 Hs (with their electrons) back across the disulfide bond. One adds a reducing agent: mercaptoethanol (HO-CH2-CH2-SH). In the presence of this reagent, one gets exchange among the disulfides and the sulfhydryls: Protein-CH2-S-S-CH2-Protein  + 2 HO-CH2CH2-SH  ---> Protein-CH2-SH + HS-CH2-Protein   +  HO-CH2CH2-S-S-CH2CH2-OH The protein's disulfide gets reduced (and the S-S bond cleaved), while the mercaptoethanol gets oxidized, losing electrons and protons and itself forming a disulfide bond. 

44 P.A.G.E. Molecular weight markers (proteins of known molecular weight)
e.g., “p53” Molecular weight markers (proteins of known molecular weight)

45 Molecular sieve chromatography
(= gel filtration, Sephadex chromatography) Sephadex bead

46 Molecular sieve chromatography
Sephadex bead

47 Molecular sieve chromatography
Sephadex bead

48 Molecular sieve chromatography
Sephadex bead

49 Molecular sieve chromatography
Sephadex bead

50 Plain Fancy 4oC (cold room)

51 Larger molecules get to the bottom faster, and ….
Non-spherical molecules get to the bottom faster ~infrequent orientation Non-spherical molecules get to the bottom faster

52 Handout 4-3: protein separations

53 Similar to handout 4-3, but Winners & native PAGE added
Largest and most spherical Lowest MW Winners: Largest and least spherical Similar to handout 4-3, but Winners & native PAGE added Most charged and smallest Winners:

54 Enzymes = protein catalysts

55 Each arrow = an ENZYME

56 Chemical reaction between 2 reactants
H2 + I2 2 HI H2 + I2 2 HI + energy “Spontaneous” reaction: Energy released Goes to the right H-I is more stable than H-H or I-I here i.e., the H-I bond is stronger, takes more energy to break it That’s why it “goes” to the right, i.e., it will end up with more products than reactants i.e., less tendency to go to the left, since the products are more stable

57 { 2H + 2I Change in Energy (Free Energy) H2 + I2 2 HI -3 kcal/mole
say, 100 kcal/mole say, 103 Atom pulled completely apart (a “thought” experiment) Change in Energy (Free Energy) H2 + I2 { -3 kcal/mole 2 HI Reaction goes spontaneously to the right If energy change is negative: spontaneously to the right = exergonic: energy-releasing If energy change is positive: spontaneously to the left = endergonic: energy-requiring

58 H2 + I2 2 HI H2 + I2 2 HI H2 + I2 2 HI H2 + I2 2 HI H2 + I2 2 HI
Different ways of writing chemical reactions H2 + I2 2 HI H2 + I2 2 HI 2 HI H2 + I2 H2 + I2 2 HI H2 + I2 2 HI

59 { 2H + 2I Change in Energy (Free Energy) H2 + I2 2 HI
But: it is not necessary to break molecule down to its atoms in order to rearrange them say, 100 kcal/mole say, 103 kcal/mole Change in Energy (Free Energy) H2 + I2 { -3 kcal/mole 2 HI

60 + + + H I I I H I H H H I (H2 + I2) Transition state (TS) (2 HI)
Reactions proceed through a transition state H + I (H2 + I2) I I H Transition state (TS) I + H H + H I (2 HI) Products

61 { 2H + 2I Change in Energy H2 + I2 2 HI ~100 kcal/mole H-H | | I-I
(TS) Say, ~20 kcal/mole H2 + I2 Activation energy { -3 kcal/mole 2 HI

62 { HHII (TS) Change in Energy (new scale) H2 + I2 2 HI
Allows it to happen Energy needed to bring molecules together to form a TS complex Change in Energy (new scale) determines speed = VELOCITY = rate of a reaction Activation energy H2 + I2 { 3 kcal/mole 2 HI Net energy change: Which way it will end up. the DIRECTION of the reaction, independent of the rate 2 separate concepts

63 Concerns about the cell’s chemical reactions
Direction We need it to go in the direction we want Speed We need it to go fast enough to have the cell double in one generation

64 (to be discussed next time)
Example Biosynthesis of a fatty acid 3 glucose’s 18-carbon fatty acid Free energy change: ~ 300 kcal per mole of glucose used is REQUIRED So: 3 glucose 18-carbon fatty acid So getting a reaction to go in the direction you want is a major problem (to be discussed next time)

65 Concerns about the cell’s chemical reactions
Direction We need it to go in the direction we want Speed We need it to go fast enough to have the cell double in one generation Catalysts deal with this second problem, which we will now consider

66 The catalyzed reaction
The velocity problem is solved by catalysts The catalyzed reaction The catalyst takes part in the reaction, but it itself emerges unchanged

67 HHII (TS) Change in Energy H2 + I2 2 HI Activation energy TS without
catalyst TS complex with catalyst Change in Energy Activation energy WITH the catalyst H2 + I2 2 HI

68 Reactants in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction = “substrates”

69 substrate binding site (not exactly synonymous,
Reactants (substrates) Active site or substrate binding site (not exactly synonymous, could be just part of the active site) Not a substrate

70 Unlike inorganic catalysts, enzymes are specific
Substrate Binding

71 Small molecules bind with great specificity to pockets on ENZYME surfaces
Too far

72 Unlike inorganic catalysts, enzymes are specific
                                      succinic dehydrogenase HOOC-HC=CH-COOH < > HOOC-CH2-CH2-COOH H fumaric acid                                                     succinic acid NOT a substrate for the enzyme: 1-hydroxy-butenoate:    HO-CH=CH-COOH (simple OH instead of one of the carboxyl's) Maleic acid maleic acid Platinum will work with all of these, indiscriminantly

73 Enzymes work as catalysts for two reasons:
+ Enzymes work as catalysts for two reasons: They bind the substrates putting them in close proximity. They participate in the reaction, weakening the covalent bonds of a substrate by its interaction with their amino acid residue side groups (e.g., by stretching).

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