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Meeting Individual Needs

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1 Meeting Individual Needs
Parents’ Meeting Friday 20thth September 2013

2 Agenda What is the Record of Need? What are Individual Needs?
Record of Need - Tregolls Help? – How & What SEND Attainment Help! – Who Questions and Answers

3 What is the RECORD OF NEED?
A register of pupils who have one or more individual needs which require provision: ‘additional to, or otherwise different from provision that is normally available.’ - Education Act 1996.

4 WHAT ARE Individual needs?
Usually known as Special Educational Needs A child has SEN if he or she has a learning difficulty A child has a learning difficulty if he/she has: ‘greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of his/her age.’ and/or ‘a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities/ provision that is normally available’. - Education Act 1996

5 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEN eg Attachment Disorder Literacy/ Numeracy Both Disability eg Dyslexia eg Diabetes ADHD Epilepsy Autism Severe Asthma Physical impairment ‘A disabled person is someone who has , ‘A physical or mental impairment which has substantial & long term adverse effects on his/her daily ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’. Equality Act 2010. ‘A disabled child has SEN if they have a disability and need specific educational provision to be made for them in order to access their education’ – Education Act 1996

6 Levels of need Statement School Action Plus School Action

7 our Record of need 7.3% of pupils at Tregolls have a Statement.
(4.1% have a place in our ARB) 15.7% of pupils at Tregolls are on RON at School Action Plus 6.6% of pupils at Tregolls are on RON at School Action

8 How does it help my child to be on the RON?
It allows us to plan provision to address their needs. It allows access to additional resources including other professionals with specific expertise: eg Educational Psychologist; Speech, Language & Communication Therapist; Physical Disability Advisor; Dyslexia Advisor; ASD Advisor; Physiotherapist; Behaviour Specialists It helps us to work closely together. It ensures equality of opportunity

All pupils with SEN or both SEN and a Disability will have an IEP. written at the start of each term include up to 3 individual targets address individual’s specific needs parent/class teacher meeting

10 Additional Adult Support in lessons
Multi-Sensory Teaching & Learning Visuals Buddies Use of Laptop or I pad Dyslexia Support Additional Adult Support in lessons Communication Aids Specialised equipment Physiotherapy Access arrangements in SATS Literacy/Numeracy Interventions 1:1 or small group Fine & Gross Motor Control Activities Speech & Language intervention Differentiated work at appropriate level Brain Gym Precision Teaching Fun Fit Access to Learning Mentor

11 How well can I expect my child do?
All pupils, whether they have additional needs or not, are expected to make at least two levels of progress across each Key Stage.

In Reading 78% pupils with SEND in mainstream made good or outstanding progress. (54% outstanding) In Writing 78% pupils with SEND made good or outstanding progress. ( 58% outstanding) In Numeracy 78% pupils with SEND overall made good or outstanding progress. ( 64% outstanding) ARB Pupils 100% pupils made good or outstanding progress in all areas.

13 Who can we go to for help? Sue Plechowicz – Assistant Head Teacher SEND Coordinator / Dyslexia Advisor Sarah Scott – Assistant SEND Coordinator/ Tamar Class Teacher Charlotte Edwards – Area Resource Base Teacher Mandy Rich – HLTA / Dyslexia issues Class teachers Family Information Service

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