The Equality Act 2010 This law replaced a range of previous laws about discrimination against different groups.

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Presentation on theme: "The Equality Act 2010 This law replaced a range of previous laws about discrimination against different groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Equality Act 2010 This law replaced a range of previous laws about discrimination against different groups

2 The Act applies to nine protected groups
age disability gender reassignment (transgender) marriage or civil partnership pregnancy and maternity race religion or belief sex (gender) sexual orientation

3 It requires equal treatment for all these groups
It is now illegal to discriminate against people in any of these groups. Direct discrimination; e.g. Not employing someone because of being gay, black , female etc. Indirect discrimination; e.g not making somewhere accessible for a wheelchair user

4 It applies to: employers
businesses and organisations like banks, shops and utility companies health and care providers like hospitals and care homes someone you rent or buy a property from schools, colleges and other education providers transport services like buses, trains and taxis public bodies like government departments and local authorities.

5 Hate Crimes Any criminal offence that the victim
or anyone else thinks is based on the following: race or ethnicity religion or beliefs sexual orientation disability transgender identity - crimes against women and girls are covered under a range of different legislation, although some people think it should be part of this list

6 What is hate crime? Hate crimes can include: threatening behaviour
assault robbery damage to property inciting others to commit hate crimes harassment

7 Hate Crime statistics UK
Of the 43,748 hate crimes recorded by the police in : 82% were race hate crimes 4% were religion hate crimes 10%were sexual orientation hate crimes 4% were disability hate crimes 1% were transgender hate crimes

8 Hate Crime incidents reported to Sussex Police 2012-13
Race -520 Religion -23 Sexual Orientation -111 Disability -23 Transgender -4 Total 681


10 Reporting hate crime Hate Crime can also be reported in Brighton & Hove to the Community Safety Casework Team This video shows how to report homophobic hate crime in Brighton and Hove

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