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Efficiency of Muon Reconstruction

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1 Efficiency of Muon Reconstruction
July 23,2007 Jongseok Lee, Suyong Choi (Sungkyunkwan University)

2 Introduction For more details about analysis see Suyong's talk in Muon POG of June 19: Based on Drell-Yan muon sample from CMSSW131: CMSSW_1_3_1-Spring /GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO No backgrounds (yet) Question: how does efficiency obtained with tag-and-probe compare to efficiency from MC Truth?

3 decay mode : Z -> μ+μ- (mc data)
stand alone muon : reconstructed muon by muon detectors track : reconstructed muon by tracker global muon : reconstructed muon by tracker + muon detectors

4 Steps for tag-and-probe
1.Choose a high momentum global muon (pt>10GeV) 2.Look for another high momentum track from the global muon (typically ΔΦ>1.5) 3.Form invariant mass of global muon + track (red) 4.Form invariant mass of global muon + matched track with opposite global muon (green, matching cut ΔR<0.01)

5 Efficiencies from tag-and-probe method
pt(μ)>15, ΔΦ(μ μ)>1.5, 70<mass(μμ)< pt(μ)>15, ΔΦ(μ μ)>0.5, no masscut

6 Steps for mc-truth 1.Choose a mc muon (|η|<2.4)
2.Look for a matched track with the mc muon (matching cut ΔR<0.01) 3.Repeat 1~2 for the opposite mc muon 3.Form invariant mass of mc muon + opposite mc muon (red) 4.Form invariant mass of mc muon + matched track with opposite global muon (green, matching cut ΔR<0.01)

7 Efficiencies from mc-truth method
cut for mc truth μ |η|<2.4 cut for matching ΔR<0.01 (ΔR = sqrt(Δθ2+ΔΦ2))

8 Isolation ΔR = sqrt(Δθ2+ΔΦ2) : isolation angle
isolation energy = sum energy of particles near the μ  cut for jet (1GeV) μ ΔR<0.5 jet μ a2 a4 a3 a1 GeV isolated

9 Efficiencies from tag-and-probe method
ΔR< ΔR< ΔR< ΔR< ΔR<0.5 Cut : pt(μ)>10GeV no masscut ΔΦ(μ μ)>0.5 isolationE 1GeV

10 Distribution of mass(μμ), pt and η
tag-and-probe method(ΔR<0.5) mc-truth method(|η|<2.4)

11 Efficiencies overlay of tag&probe and mc-truth
Cut of tag-and-probe method: pt(μ)>10GeV no masscut ΔΦ(μ μ)>0.5 ΔR<0.5 (isolation) isolationE 1GeV Cut of mc-truth method: |η|<2.4 ΔR<0.01 (matching) average efficiency of pt: 0.975± (tag-and-probe) 0.971± (mc-truth) average efficiency of η: 0.975± (tag-and-probe) 0.971± (mc-truth)

12 Efficiencies with Fits
tag&probe method(ΔR<0.5) mc-truth method

13 Conclusion Average Tag-and-probe and MC Truth agree better than 1%
More study needed to understand sub-1% differences, and dependence vs eta and pT Next steps: look at other components of the efficiency (e.g. trigger) - add realistic background - develop a complete analysis strategy

14 Back up

15 Entries comparison # of all mc-truth muon(no cut ) = 7000
# of all global muon (no cut) = 8069 isolation energy of global muon isolation energy of track muon ΔR<0.5 ΔR<0.5 GeV GeV

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