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SSUSH 5. SSUSH 5 The Articles of Confederation was the first government of the nation. It was a “loose union of states”. It was purposefully weak.

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3 The Articles of Confederation
was the first government of the nation. It was a “loose union of states”. It was purposefully weak because Americans did not want to institute a strong, tyrannical central government like Britain. The Articles did not allow Congress to impose taxes or regulate trade. Under the Articles, Congress was allowed to declare war and raise an army


5 Shays’ Rebellion was a led by farmer Daniel Shays in protest to higher taxes on farmers to help pay for the Revolution The new American gov’t under the Articles of Confederation had NO POWER to raise and army to stop Shays Rebellion The rebellion showed Americans that a stronger central government was needed to protect individual rights as well as the rights of the states.


7 The United States Constitution
It is our set of laws on how the USA will be run Replaced the Articles of Confederation One of main ideas is LIMITED GOVERNMENT telling government what it CAN and CANNOT do was created from compromises between representatives of different American ideas about the federal government: Constitution DID NOT make a ruling on slavery.

8 Federalist & Anti-federalists:
Federalists wanted a STRONG CENTRAL Government ANTI FEDERALISTS wanted a WEAK Central Government. Argument between these groups will lead to Bill of Rights

9 Bill of Rights FIRST 10 Amendments added to the US Constitution
guarantees individual freedoms and protection from the government. (speech, jury trial, religion, etc) (Federalists did not support Bill of Rights; Anti- federalists would not ratify the Constitution without it).

10 The Great Compromise settled the arguments between Large States & Small states over representation in Congress. large states wanted representation based on population; small states wanted equal number of representatives SOLUTION = bicameral legislature (Senate w/ equal rep.; House of Representatives based on population)

11 Alexander Hamilton and James Madison
were influential Federalists who wrote papers about how the Bill of Rights would limit the rights of the people, not protect them (These papers were put together in book from and called -The Federalist Papers).

12 Governmental Ideas Checks and balances keep any one person or group (branch) in the government from getting too powerful. Federalism Separates power to govern between State and National Governments Is our style/system of government Separation of powers This Separation of powers also refers to the 3 Branches of Government as suggested by Montesquieu. Executive Branch - Enforces the laws and is made up of the President and his appointed people Legislative Branch – Creates the Laws and is made up of Congress (the House of Representatives and Senate) Judicial Branch – Decides the Constitutionality of laws passed by Congress and enforced by the President –made up of Supreme Court


14 George Washington (as President)
He established The first Presidential cabinet (group of advisers) First use of federal power to ensure “peace and tranquility” (He used a federal army to stop the Whiskey Rebellion) He advised Neutrality –DO NOT get involved in arguments and wars of foreign countries First political parties were created while he was in office : Federalist s (Madison) and Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson) Washington warned against getting involved in other nations war and against the creation of political parties

15 John Adams The second president:
Important information: Alien and Sedition Acts: made it harder to become a citizen; limited the rights of immigrants; expanded power of the president very unpopular – seen as gateway to the government limiting rights. Virginia and Kentucky resolutions: Jefferson and others declare the unconstitutionality of the A & S Acts.

16 USH 6

17 Northwest Ordinance Increased westward migration by encouraging settlement of the territories and guaranteeing the protection of civil liberties. Created a mandate for the addition of states (60,000 people/Constitution) Slavery was specifically excluded from the territory Required that the profit from selling one portion of a township’s land went to fund the schools (set a precedent!!)


19 Erie Canal A manmade ditch dug to connect the Atlantic Ocean (Hudson River)to the Great Lakes area for trade Opened the west to settlement and trade In the northeast, connecting Lake Erie to the Hudson River (New York) New York became one of the busiest port cities in the world and the commercial center of the nation.


21 Louisiana Territory Jefferson negotiated with France to buy the land and the port of New Orleans. Doubled in size, gave us control of Mississippi River and port of New Orleans Lewis and Clark explored, mapped, and studied the territory while finding a route to the Pacific


23 Missouri Compromise Allowed Missouri to be a slave state and Maine to become a Free State Divided the nation between slave states and free states at the 36’30 parallel (line of latitude) The goal of the Missouri Compromise was to keep the nation temporarily at peace. The nation would fight over slavery for the next 45 years


25 War of 1812 Causes: Impressments of US sailors, Chesapeake-Leopard Incident, Battle of Tippecanoe (kidnapping, firing on ships and killing Americans, inciting Native Americans to attack) Importance: To make a statement to the rest of the world (that it wasn’t an accident that they won the first time) Results: Nationalism (pride) which resulted in huge national growth


27 Monroe Doctrine United States President James Monroe sent a warning to European powers that any expansionist activity by them anywhere in the Americas would be construed as a threat to the United States. The Monroe Doctrine confirmed the United States’ new role as a world power. It basically said for European countries to stay in their own hemisphere (area of the world) and we the United States would stay in ours.


29 SSUSH 7

30 Eli Whitney Eli Whitney’s inventions had a direct impact on the industrial revolution in both north and south – which created economic growth for both regions AND the nation as a whole. Cotton Gin made southern farms more profitable and slavery more needed to support the growing economy. Interchangeable Parts made products cheaper and faster, which created more factory jobs and gave rise to big cities and investment. The North emphasized industry and production of manufactured goods while the South focused on agriculture and exporting raw materials.


32 Manifest Destiny is the term used to describe the westward growth of the United States during the early and mid 1800’s. Manifest Destiny is the idea that Americans felt called by God to inhabit the country from coast to coast. It will be completed after our War with Mexico


34 Reform Movements In the Early 1800s women led reforms (efforts to make the world better) These movements were Temperance, Abolition, Education, and Women’s suffrage. Most reform movements led by Women.

35 Temperance Movement - was a reform movement with the goal of reducing American consumption of alcohol and the evils associated with it. Many states and counties passed laws banning alcohol because of the work of the movement and the American Temperance Union. Remember example of person drinking and losing their TEMPER. (TEMPERance Movement)




39 Abolitionism was a reform movement to end slavery immediately.
Remember to ABOLISH is to do away with FOREVER. Leaders were Frederick Douglas William Lloyd Garrison Grimke Sisters



42 Frederick Douglas former slaves who ran away and became free
involved in making speeches and educating people about the evils of slavery very famous for his time period published anti-slavery paper – the North Star

43 William Lloyd Garrison
white northern abolitionist published an anti-slavery newspaper called The Liberator urging people to join abolition

44 Grimke Sisters were two white women who grew up a plantation in the South. They were bold enough to speak in public against slavery

45 Public Education Means government funding education accessible by all
was made popular by Horace Mann. Many states, and eventually the nation, came to support the idea of government supported schools and mandatory attendance for children.

46 Women’s Movement existed to pressure society and the government for equal rights for women – pushed for suffrage - or the right to vote for women main leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony



49 Elizabeth Cady Stanton
was a famous “suffragette” who organized the Seneca Falls Conference where men and women gathered to support women’s efforts for suffrage.

50 Seneca Falls Conference
Conference held in Seneca Falls New York men and women gathered to support women’s efforts for suffrage (right to vote)

51 Jacksonian Democracy describes a time when the government expanded and became more democratic. Andrew Jackson (7th president) was committed to expanding voting rights and getting more people involved in the political process. Jackson was elected as a “common man” appealing to many Americans who identified with him through common experiences.


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