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All About Drugs Learning Objectives

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1 All About Drugs Learning Objectives
Students Will • understand that medicine is a drug that should only be taken from a trusted adult. • learn ways that tobacco and alcohol can harm the body. • understand some of the reasons people use drugs. • appreciate how to have a happy healthy life without drugs. All About Drugs Learning Objectives

2 Essential Questions What are illegal drugs?
Why is it against the law to take these kinds of drugs? What would you do if you saw an older student giving a younger student drugs near your school? Who is the most important person or people to talk to about drugs? Essential Questions

3 Movie All About Drugs

4 Why do children sometimes mistake medicine for candy?
Why did Caitlin and Christopher take the bottle to their teacher? What would you have done? You know that you should only take medicine from your parents or doctor. Can you think of some reasons why? Some medicines are sold in stores, but don’t have to be given by a doctor. But what are still the rules about taking that kind of medicine? What did you think about Malik’s mother giving him R.I.C.E. for the bump on his leg? Tell about a time you were sick or hurt, and did something besides take medicine to make you feel better. Part One: What Is a Drug?

5 Part Two: What About Tobacco
What is the drug in tobacco called? Explain why Jillian’s father was smoking outside. Would you be willing to ask someone, even an adult, not to smoke around you? How could you do it politely? What else could you do so you wouldn’t have to breathe smoke? Do you know an adult who used to smoke and stopped? How did he/she do it? Why do you think tobacco is legal for adults and not for children? What happens to the lungs of people who smoke? Talk about what smoking does to a person’s teeth, breath, and skin. Why is it also harmful to smoke a cigar, or chew tobacco ? Part Two: What About Tobacco

6 Part Three: What About Alcohol
Why do you think it is legal for adults to use alcohol, but not children? What does alcohol do to the brain? It is not legal for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. Why do you think some teenagers do it anyway? Why shouldn’t a person drive a car after they’ve had alcohol to drink? What else do you think it might be dangerous for them to do? It is not harmful for most adults to drink small amounts of alcohol, like a can or two of beer, or some wine, or a mixed drink, because the body has a way to get rid of that much alcohol without causing problems. But some people become alcoholics. What does it mean when someone is an alcoholic? Why did Caitlin think her aunt was addicted to alcohol? Part Three: What About Alcohol

7 Part Four: Why Do People Use Drugs?
Give some reasons that Jillian’s father started smoking? Why do many people use drugs even if they know they are bad for them? If people start using a drug and find out it’s bad for them, why don’t they just stop? What are some things that Jillian, Malik and Adrian do to have fun without using drugs? Do you think teenagers and adults should be able to find ways to enjoy themselves without drugs? What could they do? Besides being harmful to the body, what might be another reason not to use illegal drugs? What drugs are legal for adults but not for children? Jean started smoking pot to feel better about her grades, and Adam drank alcohol so he wouldn’t feel so bad about his parents getting a divorce. What happened? Name as many reasons as you can think of why it’s better not to take drugs (except for medicine when you need it)? Part Four: Why Do People Use Drugs?

8 Talk About Drugs Talk About Alcohol Talk About Tobacco Talk About Marijuana

9 Good for You Activity

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