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Standardised Assessment Test

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1 Key Stage 2 SATs Information for Parents Evening Tuesday 10th January 2017

2 Standardised Assessment Test
What are SATs? Standardised Assessment Test All Year 6 children in the country take the same test on the same day Attainment of all children in this age group can be monitored Information used by Secondary School, Government and for Primary schools

3 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
Test Timetable for May 2017 The 2017 Key Stage 2 statutory tests will take place from Monday 8th May to Thursday 11th May. Pupils must take the tests on the following days. Monday 8th May Tuesday 9th May Wednesday 10th May Thursday 11th May Friday 12th May Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Reading Test Paper 1 Arithmetic test Paper 3 Mathematics – Reasoning Paper 2 Mathematics – Reasoning

4 Previously, Levels measured how much a child had learned ‐ how many objectives and whether they could get the questions correct when they were asked. In the new National Curriculum and its testing and assessment arrangements, pupils are assessed on: 1. The objectives (parts of the National Curriculum) a child has achieved 2. The depth to which they can use and apply their knowledge of these objectives (Depth of Learning)

5 Scaled scores Scaled scores are used all over the world
Scaled scores Scaled scores are used all over the world. They help test results to be reported consistently from one year to the next. National curriculum tests try to be as similar as possible year on year, but slight differences in difficulty will occur between years. Scaled scores maintain their meaning over time so that two pupils achieving the same scaled score on two different tests will have demonstrated the same attainment. For example, on our scale 100 will always represent the ‘national standard’. However, due to the small differences in difficulty between tests, the ‘raw score’ (ie the total number of correct responses) that equates to 100 might be different (though similar) each year.

6 Interpreting scaled scores A pupil’s scaled score will be based on their raw score. The raw score is the total number of marks a pupil receives in a test, based on the number of questions they answered correctly. A pupil who achieves the national standard will have demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the areas assessed by the tests. This will mean that they are well placed to succeed in the next phase of their education. The old national curriculum levels are not relevant to the new national curriculum.


8 Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling
Reading Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling Maths Reading /50 Grammar and punctuation /50 Spelling /20 Arithmetic /40 Reasoning 1 /35 Reasoning 2 /35 Scaled Score National Average= 22/50 44% Scaled Score National Average = 45/70 64% 61/110 55%


10 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test
The test consists of: Component 1: Grammar, vocabulary and punctuation: 50 Marks Component 2: Spelling test: 20 marks

11 Component 1:








19 Spelling Component 2

20 Spelling Re-enter parachute abundance unavoidably dissolve ominous
Component 2 Re-enter parachute abundance unavoidably dissolve ominous

21 Reading Test The reading test lasts for 60 minutes. The children will need to to read the texts and complete the questions during this time. The texts are not linked by a theme, and the booklet will contain 3 or 4 texts. The least demanding will come first with the following text increasing in level of difficulty. The answer booklet will comprise of approximately questions, totaling 50 marks.

22 Inference

23 Retrieving Information

24 Inference

25 Explain the Meaning of Words

26 Retrieve Information

27 Inference

28 Maths Tests: Arithmetic Paper 1 Reasoning Paper 2 Reasoning Paper 3

29 Arithmetic Paper 1




33 Reasoning







40 How we support your child in school:
December and March testing – analysis of children’s strengths and weaknesses (new sample tests were used). Uplift Reading Uplift Grammar Uplift Maths Daily arithmetic sheets Applied maths – Art. Dedicated SPaG lessons Exercise and practical activities, as well as our usual broad and balanced curriculum.

41 The things we are trying to encourage the children to do are:
Continue good homework routines Play an active role in lessons Ask for help if they don’t understand Be aware of targets. Challenge themselves. Try their best. Gain a perception of time

42 How you can support your child at home:
Sensible bedtime. Healthy diet – eat breakfast. Drink plenty of water at home and school. Encourage your child positively, without putting too much pressure on him/her. Support with homework – provide a quiet place for work, share the targets. Use revision guides and websites to support your child’s learning. Read with and to your child discussing the content and choice of words the author has chosen.


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