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Access fm Product analysis

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1 Access fm Product analysis
Remember to change the words which are underlined to the name of the product. Add your own sentences. Make your comments personal. Write about your views . The more detail the better. Try and use technical vocabulary. (Ask for vocab sheet) Put yourself in the clients shoes when analysing products. The product feels smooth to the touch. The shape of the product (name) is... The main colours are... It is featuring colours such as.. AESTHETICS Explains the: Texture, Colour, Shape I think this product is aimed at females, males, unisex... People who also like....can buy this product(name). This can be given as a gift... CLIENT Person or people who will buy or use the product. I think it costs £__ to make this product, this is because.. This product is priced £__ because of the features such as... I am suggesting this because.. COST Making price, selling price of the product. In my opinion the product affects/ does not affect the environment because.. The product is made from ... Which is good/bad for the environment. It can be recycled by.. To reduce waste... It can be repaired by.... to extend it’s life... ENVIRONMENT Sustainability issues to be considered. REDUCE - REUSE – REFUSE- RECYCLE – RETHINK -REPAIR Safety Safety information. Safety during production/making for workers. Safety for users. This product has zero/some safety points to be considered. When using the product the user must be aware of.. I think it was safe/unsafe to make the product because... Size Dimensions of the product. The actual size. Area of product. Sizes for detailed sections Using metric and imperial units. Cm, mm, metres The overall size of the product is... There are significant sections of the product which are made up of..... The corner is size.....

2 Access fm Product analysis
Remember to change the words which are underlined to the name of the product. Add your own sentences. Make your comments personal. Write about your views . The more detail the better. Try and use technical vocabulary. (Ask for vocab sheet) Put yourself in the clients shoes when analysing products. The product is aimed to be used as a.... The areas of the product are useful for.... This product works by.... Function: How the product performs, how it is used. I think this product is made using resources/materials such as..... The product has 100% material in/on it.... The tools were used to help make this product because.... Materials & Manufacture List the names of all materials found on object and explain how it is put together To get full marks, please attempt to answer all questions and comment on all bullet points in full sentences

3 Materials & Manufacture
Aesthetics Cost Customer Environment Safety Size Function Materials & Manufacture Explains the: Making price Selling price of the product. Person or people who will buy or use the product. Sustainability issues to be considered. 6Rs REDUCE REUSE REFUSE RECYCLE RETHINK REPAIR Safety features. Safety information that needs to be considered. Safety during production/making. Safety after when it is being used. Dimensions of the product. The actual size. Area of product. Sizes for sections Using metric and imperial units. Cm, mm, metres. The way the product should be used or how it works. Names of all the materials used to make the product. Which processes were used? (how it was made?) Which tools were used to produce it? My product (name) needs to feel smooth as I feel it will attract more customers. The shape of my product (name) will be… The colours I have chosen for my product(name) are I want to make the product (name) for…(include the price) I will be happy to sell my product for… I am suggesting this sale price for my product because.. My product is aimed at… Both genders will be able to use my product. I am making this (product-name) for ages….. MY product can be reused as… This product is made from all new materials and therefore it is not environmentally friendly. I am recycling…. To reduce waste.. During my designing I had to rethink my ideas… It is important that I make my product safe…. The safety features of my product are… I will make my product safe by including… I will make sure I am safe whilst making my product by… The size of my product is… I am limited to using which makes the size of my …. It is important that I make my product (size) because… My research shows that most similar products are this (size) so I am making my product.. Product will be used as…. I believe my product will be used in… I have seen similar products be used…. My researched show that the (product-name) is used… I decided to use the (materials- name)… In my project I am including this (material/resource-name) because… I will be using the (tool-name) because… During the production stage I will use a number of equipment…

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