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Essential Question: What influence did geography have on the development early cultures in the Americas?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: What influence did geography have on the development early cultures in the Americas?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Geography and Early Cultures of the Americas Unit: Early Americas

2 Essential Question: What influence did geography have on the development early cultures in the Americas?

3 Instructions Anything written in yellow (slow down and pay attention) is useful information. You should write it in your notes IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Anything in red (STOP and pay close attention) is critical information and should be copied exactly. Anything in green (go on to the next point) you do not have to write.

4 The Maya

5 I. Geography of Mesoamerica
Rain forests cover much of this region. Over time the region’s volcanoes have made the surrounding soil fertile. Fertile mountains, valleys, rivers, and warm climate make it a good place for farming.

6 II. Farming and Settlement
Farming allowed people to settle permanently in one place. By 3500 BC maize was grown. Later crops included squash and beans. Growing surplus food allowed a larger population, growth of cities, building, trade, art, and religion.

7 III. The Olmec First complex civilization in Mesoamerica from 1200 BC to 400 BC. Writing Scientific study Sculptures of rulers and gods. 1st writing system in the Americas calendar Lived in villages/towns which served as religious and government centers. Their accomplishments influenced later Mesoamerican cultures.

8 IV. Chavin B.C.E Located in South America in the Andes Mountain range. Population grew as they domesticated plants and learned to farm. By 2,000 BC they grew potatoes, maize, and beans.

9 V. Geography of the Mayans
The Maya lived in the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) and into Central America (including Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras) Highlands – lived in cooler mountains, it was harder to farm so they mined valuable jade and obsidian (sharp glass like volcanic rock). Lowlands - mostly covered by thick forests which provided some advantages to the Maya and some challenges.

10 City-states (Mini Notes)
The Maya empire had many city-states each with their own ruler. There was no single king who ever ruled all of the Maya. Tikal and Palenque were generally the 2 most powerful city-states.

11 The states often traded with each other.
Mini Notes: The states often traded with each other. The north traded food to the south for jade and obsidian. Obsidian: a sharp, glasslike volcanic rock. Jade: a hard green stone that was mined in the high lands and trade to the low lands. War also happened between the states… frequently.

12 Tikal – largest, most powerful in southern highlands
Palenque – home to King Pacal Chichen Itza – main city in northern lowlands

13 A. Pros and Cons Good land for farming. Plenty of water.
Used wood, vines, and mud to build homes. Not much usable land. Sometimes floods! Little open space. Dangerous animals. Difficult transportation.

14 Brain Snack . . . .

15 Educated Guess Use your brain to make your best guess on the following question.

16 Think about it! Agricultural Challenges!
How could you clear land to farm in dense forest? How do you farm on a hill?

17 Problem

18 Solution Problem


20 Solution Problem

21 B. Adaptations Adapt means to change your environment to better suit your needs. The Mayans adapted by using “milpa” Slash and Burn agriculture. They would cut down and burn trees to clear room and replenish soil nutrients Used crop rotation Terracing – making flat “steps” in hillsides to better raise plants.

22 C. Crops Maize (corn) was the staple crop.
It had religious, social, and economic value. The creation story said people were made from maize Other plants were grown for: clothing dyes, chewing gum (Sapodilla tree), medicines etc.. Cocao beans used as money (chocolate was popular food for upper class and gods)

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