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Maximum Bending By Team Money Trees.

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1 Maximum Bending By Team Money Trees

2 Day 1 We went in to the computer lab and signed up for the planting science website. We took a pretest. We met our mentors and introduced ourselves to them. We went back to the classroom and began to work on Isabel’s scenario, in which she cut celery in left them in water and they curled.

3 Day 2 We observed the progress of the Bad Science experiment.
We also began a new experiment called the Celery challenge. In the challenge we used all of the following: 4 beakers 400 ml of distilled water 9 pieces of 10 cm celery stalks 1 uncut Celery stalk Salt Red dye First we cut all the celery to exactly 10 cm long. We filled 3 beakers to 100 ml using distilled water. In one beaker we added 5g of salt. In another beaker we added 10g of salt. One beaker was a control, son nothing was added to it. The last beaker we added red dye. Lastly we added 3 celery pieces to each of the three beakers. In the beaker with the red dye solution we put in the uncut celery stalk.

4 Day 3 We observed the Celery Challenge experiment
We saw that the water became cloudy. Some began to bend and peel. The color began to become lighter.

5 Day 4 On day 4 , Mrs. Milligan let us began testing out the experiment using what we knew to create our own experiment to get the celery to bend. We put 2 pieces of 5 cm long celery into a 400ml beaker of distilled water. And we put 2 pieces of 10 cm long celery into a 400 ml beaker of distilled water. The 5cm long celery weighed 4.5 grams, and the 10 cm long celery weighed in at 11.5grams. Lastly we put the celery in the fridge overnight.

6 Day 5 Observations Light green in color celery peeled a lot, bended a little Celery was still hard Water was still clear in beakers One of the 10cm celery’s bended the most 5cm bended slightly

7 Day 6 We began testing the variable of thickness, instead of mass. We again cut 4 pieces of 10cm long celery. But on some we split in half to a thickness of 0.9cm thick, and the other 2 were 1.5cm thick. We put the 2 pieces of 1.5cm thick celery and put them a beaker filled with 400ml of distilled water. The 0.9cm thick celery were put in another beaker filled with 400ml of distilled water. For a control we took an uncut celery stalk and put it in a beaker with the same attributes as the ones stated before. We left our celery in the room overnight instead of putting it in the fridge.

8 Day 7- Final Observations
In our final observations we saw that there was little to no change at all in any of our celery. We took our final pictures, and threw out the celery . We later went to the computer lab to upload journals, data, and post conclusions on the planting science website.

9 Team Money Trees!!

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