Visit for more Learning Resources

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1 Visit for more Learning Resources
5.CONFLICT RESOLUTION The Quality of our lives depends not on whether or not we have conflicts, but on how we respondto them. TYPES OF CONFLICT 1. Intrapersonal conflict.-Goal &Role Conflict 2. Interpersonal conflict Visit for more Learning Resources

2. Poorly defined authority & responsibility 3. Power 4. Interest 5. Greed 6. Diff. invalue system 7. Complex work situations.

3 5.CONFLICT RESOLUTION Skills for conflict resolutions
*Critical listining &communication skills *Negotiation&mediation *Decision making *Interpersonal skills *Team building &networking of people *Critical &objective thinking for conflict analysis

4 5.CONFLICT RESOLUTION Steps in conflict resolution
1. Mapping of conflict 2. Negotiating

5 For more detail contact us
5.CONFLICT RESOLUTION STYLES OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT * Collaborating style *Competing style *Co-operating style *Avoiding style *Compromising style For more detail contact us

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