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Do Now: What is geography?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: What is geography?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: What is geography?
Learning Target: I can analyze various case studies on geography to determine how the geography of a region affect one’s culture. Do Now: What is geography?

2 Geography Geography can be defined as the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. The study of the earth, its features, and how people interact with it.

3 Geography informs us about:
The places and communities in which we live and work Our natural environments and the pressures they face The interconnectedness of the world and our communities within it How and why the world is changing, globally and locally How our individual and societal
actions contribute to those changes The choices that exist in managing our world for the future The importance of location in business and decision-making

4 Themes of Geography Location: Where am I?
Place: physical and human factors that makes one place different from another. Movement: the shifting of goods, people, ideas from one place to another. Region: can be a continent or neighborhood, a region has certain characteristics that set it apart from others. Human/Environment Interaction: how people interact with the land they live on.

5 Geographical Features
Deserts Mountains Lakes Rivers Valleys Plains Glaciers Harbors

6 What is culture? the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

7 Activity With your group analyze the case studies provided.
After analyzing the case studies answer the following questions for each: A. Describe the geographic feature present. B. In what ways can this feature be positive or negative for people living in the region? Answer the summary and essential question that follow, the essential question will be graded using the attached rubric

8 Activity Answer the essential question using the information you learned about geography Review the rubric that will be used for your grade

9 Essential Question Format
Restate the question in your answer Provide examples that support your answer Explain your examples to support your answer, use 2 examples Answer should be 5-8 sentences long for a solid response **you do not have to cite evidence for this essential question**

10 Peer Edit Pass your response to a partner
Proofread your partners response Check to see if your partner completed the following: Restated the question Provided an answer Used specific examples to support their answer Spelling and grammar

11 Essential Question How does the geography of a region affect one’s culture?

12 What do you know about our Presidential candidates
Donald Trump Hillary Clinton

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