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Rwandan Genocide By: Fatima lalva.

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Presentation on theme: "Rwandan Genocide By: Fatima lalva."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rwandan Genocide By: Fatima lalva

2 BEFORE THE GENOCIDE The Tutsis ruled over the Hutus, but they weren’t that divided Once the Belgians took control of Rwanda [after WW1] they separated the two groups and made them hate each other

3 Refugee camp in Uganda before the Genocide
Before they left, they gave the power to the Hutus From 1959 to 1961, 20,000 Tutsis were murdered and 150,000 Tutsis fled the country Refugee camp in Uganda before the Genocide

4 Hate Radio Hutu extremists had a radio station called Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) which encouraged hate and violence towards the Tutsi’s During the Genocide, the radio station told it’s audience to kill *The Hutu extremists knew that the Genocide was going to come so this is what they did to prepare the citizens [of Rwanda] for the Genocide They also gave out locations of where the Tutsi’s were hiding The RTLM would also identify and criticize a Tutsi. Right after they did this, the military and Hutu extremists would find him and kill him

5 Initiation of the Genocide
On April 6th, 1994, a plane carrying the President of Rwanda, President Juvénal Habyarimana, was shot down with a missile by Hutu extremists Less than 24 hours after the crash, the Hutus started the genocide President Juvénal Habyarimana

6 The Genocide After the plane crash, the Rwandan military, Hutu rebel groups, Hutu militia groups, and Hutu extremists started killing all the Tutsis and moderate Hutus in an organized way The genocide lasted approximately 100 days Between 800,000 to 1,000,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were murdered

7 Methods of Killing The Hutus mostly killed using machetes and clubs A lot of the Hutus civilians were forced to kill Tutsis Many of them did it willingly

8 5,000 Tutsis were hiding in this Church
5,000 Tutsis were hiding in this Church. They were killed by grenades, machetes, rifles, and the remaining were burned alive.

9 Sexual Violence against Women
Many of the Tutsi females were used as sex slaves A lot of them had their genitals mutilated 250,000 to 500,000 Tutsi females were raped Approximately 250,000 were raped by men who had HIV/AIDS

10 Aftermath The Genocide ended mid-July after the RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) took control of Rwanda The Hutus who were involved in the Genocide fled the country The Hutus who stayed in Rwanda were arrested, and the ones who fled the country were arrested in the country they fled to

11 Ender’s Game genocide vs. Rwandan genocide
The majority of the population had nothing to do with the destruction of the buggers Most of the population took part in killing the Tutsis

12 Ender’s Game Genocide Rwandan Genocide They didn’t know their enemy or anything about them They knew their enemy, lived with their enemy, yet they still wanted to kill them

13 Ender’s Game Genocide Rwandan Genocide They used professional weapons made specifically for the battle They used anything they could find

14 Ender’s Game Genocide Rwandan Genocide The Buggers attacked the human first* They also fought back when the humans attacked them The Tutsis never killed any Hutus; they were just more powerful than them in the beginning They didn’t fight back when the Hutus were killing them *“Ender, we didn't go to them first, they came to us. If they were going to leave us alone, they could have done it a hundred years ago, before the First Invasion.” (Card, 253). -Colonel Graff

15 Ender’s Game Genocide Rwandan Genocide Ender didn’t want to kill the Buggers* He felt really guilty about killing them A lot of the Hutus thought the Tutsis as equal and knew they shouldn’t be murdered or hated on These Hutus were considered moderate Hutus and over a thousand of them were murdered along with the Tutsis *"I didn’t want to kill them all. I didn’t want to kill anybody! I’m not a killer!” (297). -Ender

16 Ender’s Game Genocide Rwandan Genocide Graff is manipulating Ender into thinking that it’s okay to do what they’re doing [killing all the buggers] The radio station (RTLM) was there to encourage the audience to hate the Tutsis and at the time of the genocide, it encouraged them to kill the Tutsis "Human beings are free except when humanity needs them. Maybe humanity needs you. To do something. Maybe humanity needs me—to find out what you're good for. We might both do despicable things, Ender, but if humankind survives, then we were good tools." (35). -Colonel Graff

17 Works Cited Amakuru. Rwandan Patriotic Front Flag. Digital image
Works Cited Amakuru. Rwandan Patriotic Front Flag. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Foundations, 23 Mar Web. 15 Dec Chacon, Scott. Ntrama Church Altar. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Foundations, 24 July Web. 15 Dec César. Juvénal Habyarimana (1980). Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Foundations, 12 Jan Web. 15 Dec Fullerton, Dave. "Hate Radio." Rwandan Stories. Vanishing Point P/L, Web. 14 Dec Fullerton, Dave. Quote Radio. Digital image. Rwandan Stories. Vanishing Point P/L, Web. 12 Dec Green, Llezlie L. "Sexual Violence and Genocide Against Tutsi Women." Race, Racism and the Law. Vernellia Randall, Summer Web. 15 Dec Nations, United. "Rwanda: A Brief History of the Country." UN News Center. UN. Web. 14 Dec Lawerance. Refugee Camps Invaded. Digital image. Timeline. Web. 15 Dec Picone, Jack. Civilians flee Kigali during the genocide. Digital image. Jack Picone Documentary Photographer. Web. 15 Dec "Rwandan Genocide of 1994." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 15 Dec

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