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7th Grade Science 1&2 A Vrendi R. Will.

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Science 1&2 A Vrendi R. Will."— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Grade Science 1&2 A Vrendi R. Will

2 Who is Ms. Will? Born and raised in Ohio
Arizona – 12 years, 8 of them in Flagstaff Education: Arizona Western College, Yuma and Northern Arizona University – Elementary Education with an emphasis in Middle School General Science Experience: Birth – 9th grade general and special education in Ecuador, Michigan, and Arizona over 14 years FALA: 7 & 8 Science, Liberal Studies, Horticulture, 7th grade Advisory


4 Contact Teacher: Vrendi Will
Classroom: #2 Before and after school by appointment The middle school team often meets daily, but at the very least once a week on Thursdays.

5 Skills, Concepts, & Major Units
Scientific inquiry, analysis, communication, historic perspective, current advances Our place and role in the world Ecology interactions in the environment Changes in the environment Structure of the earth Geology Space

6 Methods Student centered labs and activities: hands on, simulations, partner and group activities Notebook: creating your own personal science reference book, open note tests Personal reflection/self evaluation

7 Grading Homework/ Class Work = 40% (Informal-can not be redone or made up after due date) Classwork can become homework, but must be turned in at the beginning of the next class Projects, Portfolio & Quizzes = 40% (Formal-can be redone or made up within 1 week of being posted on FAMILYLINK) End of Semester Summative Exam/Project = 20% (Formal- can not be redone )

8 Absent Work Make-up work must be completed within the number of class days a student was absent. If a student is absent for an extended period of time it is their responsibility to meet with me so we can come up with a plan for getting caught up and determine a reasonable timeline for doing so. Description of class activities are posted on teacher website daily. Documents are posted on teacher website when possible Students can use a classmates notebook, or teacher notebook to acquire class notes, but they must create the notes on their own, and may not photocopy and tape in missing notes.

9 Teacher Website Faculty and Staff Vrendi Will

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