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Muslim Empires.

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1 Muslim Empires

2 Death of Muhammad No successor (Caliph) Abu Bakr – Father in Law
Disagreement over chosen leader Sunni (90%) Any good, capable Muslim Shiite Blood relative (descendant) of Mohammad Differ in religious practice, law, and daily life

3 Two Muslim Empires Umayyad Caliphate Abbasid Dynasty Shiite’s Sunnis
Overtook Umayyad’s Fled to Spain* Seljuk Turks conquers Mongols Convert to Islam Golden age of Islam Sunnis Expand empire Overtake Byzantine Empire in Northern Africa Spain Indus River Valley

4 Muslims in India What does the founder have to do with the name “Mughal”? What are the Mughal’s responsible for today? How were Akbar and Aurangzeb similar and different? What lead to the decline of the Mughal Empire?

5 Safavid Empire Shi’ite Muslim’s in Persia 12 year old seizes [Iran]
Built powerful army (location) 12 year old seizes [Iran] Execute those who do not convert Sunni Fought Sunni Muslims who were Ottoman’s 40,000 Shi’ite’s executed in Ottoman Empire Battle of Chaldiran Set current day border of Iran and Iraq

6 What is the Ottoman Empire?
Turkish (Muslim) empire Originated in Northern Anatolia in early 1300s Lead by Osman I Many modern societies have origins under Ottoman rule (Turkey)

7 Ottoman Rule Absorbed Muslims of Anatolia Conquered Constantinople
Renamed Istanbul Quickly turned to Muslim influence Bribed people with homes and jobs to migrate Protected non-Muslims As long as they submitted and behaved (Jitza) Millet System Those who opposed were ruthlessly killed

8 Devshirme System Christian youths captured (or given up)
Forced to convert to Islam Become fighters for Ottoman Empire Smartest 10% enter Palace School Trained to be government officials Others sent to be trained to be fighters Janissaries – Elite fighters

9 Twitter Page  Osman I Sultan Mehmed II Mehmet II Selim I Selim II
Suleiman I

10 Mehmed II - 1451 Attacked Constantinople at age 21
Controlled Bosporus Straight Opened Constantinople to many different religions and backgrounds Jews, Christians, Muslims, Turks and non-Turks Helped rebuild city Istanbul

11 Bosporus Strait

12 Suleyman I - 1521 Superb military leader
Most powerful Monarch on Earth at the time 46 Years Waged war with Central Europeans, N. Africans, and Central Asians

13 Suleyman’s Achievements
Devshirme System – Conquered Christian children converted to Islam and trained as soldiers Janissaries* - 30,000 infantry, heart of Ottoman army, superb discipline Freedom of worship* Studied Poetry, History, Geography, Astronomy, Math, and Architecture Arts and Literature flourish (Patron) Similar to European Renaissance Persia and Arabia as Models Mosque of Suleyman Four schools, library, bath, and hospital

14 Suleyman’s Not So Great Achievements…
Suleyman killed ablest son Drove another son in to exile Final (incompetent) son inherited throne Became customary for each new sultan (leader) to have brothers strangled and keep his sons as prisoners in complete isolation….WHY? Produced long line of weak sultans

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