CHAPTER 1 Introduction: The Scientific Study of Life

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1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction: The Scientific Study of Life
Modules 1.1 – 1.3

2 Life in the Trees The lives of gray-headed flying foxes are closely entwined with the lives of the eucalyptus trees that form their habitat Eucalyptus trees provide food and roosting sites for the flying foxes Flying foxes aid in eucalyptus pollination and help disperse the resulting seeds

3 Flying foxes are becoming an endangered species, partly because of habitat destruction

4 Biology is the scientific study of life
THE SCOPE OF BIOLOGY Biology is the scientific study of life Interactions between different kinds of organisms affect the lives of all Recall the example of flying foxes and eucalyptus trees

5 1.1 Life’s levels of organization define the scope of biology
An ecosystem consists of: all organisms living in a particular area all nonliving components of the environment (soil, water)

6 At the top Ecosystems include:
ECOSYSTEM LEVEL Eucalyptus forest Ecosystems include: all the organisms in an area, which make up a community interbreeding organisms of the same species, a population COMMUNITY LEVEL All organisms in eucalyptus forest POPULATION LEVEL Group of flying foxes ORGANISM LEVEL Flying fox Brain Spinal cord ORGAN SYSTEM LEVEL Nervous system ORGAN LEVEL Brain Nerve TISSUE LEVEL Nervous tissue CELLULAR LEVEL Nerve cell MOLECULAR LEVEL Molecule of DNA Figure 1.1

7 Organisms are made up of:
organ systems organs tissues cells molecules ECOSYSTEM LEVEL Eucalyptus forest COMMUNITY LEVEL All organisms in eucalyptus forest POPULATION LEVEL Group of flying foxes ORGANISM LEVEL Flying fox Brain Spinal cord ORGAN SYSTEM LEVEL Nervous system ORGAN LEVEL Brain Nerve TISSUE LEVEL Nervous tissue CELLULAR LEVEL Nerve cell MOLECULAR LEVEL Molecule of DNA Figure 1.1

8 Hierarchy Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism

9 1.3 With the scientific method, we pose and test hypotheses
Observation The main steps of the scientific method Question Hypothesis Prediction Test does not support hypothesis; revise hypothesis or pose new one Test supports hypothesis; make additional predictions and test them Test: Experiment or additional observation Figure 1.3A

10 Deductive reasoning is used in testing hypotheses
If a hypothesis is correct, and we test it, then we can expect a particular outcome Case study: flashlight failure Figure 1.3B

11 Experiments designed to test hypotheses must be controlled experiments
Control groups must be tested along with experimental groups for the meaning of the results to be clear

12 Case study: spider mimicry
Figure 1.3C Pounce rate (% of trials in which spider jumped on fly) Control group (untreated flies) Experimental group (wing markings masked) Figure 1.3D

13 Another test of the spider mimic hypothesis: wing transplants
Number of stalk and attack responses by spiders Wing markings Wing waving Normal spider mimic Mimic with mimic wing transplant Mimic with housefly wing transplant Housefly with mimic wing transplant Normal housefly Figure 1.3E Controls Experimentals

14 1.4 The diversity of life can be arranged into three domains
EVOLUTION, UNITY, AND DIVERSITY 1.4 The diversity of life can be arranged into three domains Grouping organisms by fundamental features helps make the vast diversity of life manageable for study Scientists classify organisms into a hierarchy of broader and broader groups

15 Most classification schemes group organisms into three domains:
Domain Bacteria Domain Archaea Figure 1.4A, B

16 Domain Eukarya Figure 1.4C-F

17 1.5 Unity in diversity: All forms of life have common features
All organisms share a set of common features, signs of unity in life’s vast diversity All are made of cells All have DNA as their genetic blueprint These orchids show the variety possible within one species Figure 1.5A

18 DNA is made of chemical units called nucleotides
Each species has its own nucleotide sequence Figure 1.5B

19 The genetic information in DNA underlies all of the features that distinguish life from nonlife
Order and regulation Growth and development Use of energy from the environment Response to environmental stimuli Ability to reproduce Evolutionary change

20 1.6 Evolution explains the unity and diversity of life
Charles Darwin is a central figure in biology He synthesized the theory of evolution by natural selection A theory in science is a comprehensive idea with broad explanatory power Evolution is the core theme of biology Figure 1.6A

21 The theory of natural selection explains the main mechanism whereby all species of organisms change, or evolve (1) Population with varied inherited traits (2) Elimination of individuals with certain traits Figure 1.6B (3) Reproduction of survivors

22 Evolution happens when populations of organisms with inherited variations are exposed to environmental factors that favor the success of some individuals over others Natural selection is the editing mechanism Evolution is based on adaptations Figure 1.6C

23 1.7 Living organisms and their environments form interconnecting webs
The theory of natural selection applies to all levels in life’s hierarchy In an ecosystem, these interactions make up a complex web of relationships The functional aspects of an ecosystem come from the structure of the ecosystem’s web

24 A web of interactions in a rain forest ecosystem
Figure 1.7A

25 Plants, or plant products, are the ultimate sources of food in an ecosystem
This African sunbird is consuming nectar, a plant product Figure 1.7B

26 Cycling of chemical nutrients
Chemical nutrients cycle within an ecosystem’s web Energy flows in and out constantly Sun Inflow of light energy Loss of heat energy Air Chemical energy Cycling of chemical nutrients Organisms Soil Figure 1.7C ECOSYSTEM

27 1.8 Connection: Biology is connected to our lives in many ways
BIOLOGY AND EVERYDAY LIFE 1.8 Connection: Biology is connected to our lives in many ways Biology is connected to a great number of important issues Environmental problems and solutions Genetic engineering Medicine Figure 1.8A

28 Many technological advances stem from the scientific study of life
Evaluating everyday reports in the press about a large range of subjects requires critical thinking and some familiarity with many areas of biology In order to understand how rain forest destruction impacts global climate, it is important to understand biology from the molecular to the ecosystem level Figure 1.8B

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