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Use Office UI Fabric React to Build Beauty with SharePoint

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Presentation on theme: "Use Office UI Fabric React to Build Beauty with SharePoint"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Office UI Fabric React to Build Beauty with SharePoint
Eric Overfield Microsoft Regional Director and MVP PixelMill

2 ERIC OVERFIELD President & Co-Founder of PixelMill
Microsoft MVP, Office Servers & Services Microsoft Regional Director Published SharePoint Author SharePoint Community Organizer & Contributor @ericoverfield Will make available on blog and twitter (, so if you remember one of those then you can always review everything we discuss

3 OVERVIEW Office UI Fabric Overview Include UI Fabric in Projects
Utilizing and Extending UI Fabric UI Fabric and the SharePoint Framework

4 Sharepoint provisioning
DemosFocus here on provisioning SharePoint sites / assets / settings, etc

5 Office UI Fabric in a Nutshell

6 Office ui fabric A framework for building custom Office 365 / SharePoint front-end experiences Open source: Primary pillars Core: Styles / CSS JavaScript: Interactions React: UI Integration AngularJS: open source project

7 Office ui fabric – what we get
Components Navigation Input containers Content blocks People picker, persona cards and more Styles Typography – Segoe UI Font Color palette Responsive grid Animations Icons Office’s official product icons Product and document symbols Get screenshots of each from: Also, could be make this more of a table or column based?

8 Why Office UI Fabric

9 Why Office ui fabric Why you will use Office UI Fabric
Consistency of interface with custom components SharePoint Framework has UI Fabric built in Allows developers to focus on functionality, not the look Speed up the development cycle

Look at Fabric UI website Primary focuses and how to use site Look at the Office UI Fabric in action on a demo site with a few webparts on a page already styled with fabric List view using table Responsive grid How about a script editor webpart that pulls in a script that does magic with handlebars. Pull in list data Create a form in a dialog a navigation bar or breadcrumb

11 Office ui fabric – choose the right flavor
Fabric Core Styles Core elements of the design language, including icons, colors, type, and grid Fabric React Robust, up-to-date components built with the React framework Fabric JS Simple, visuals-focused components that you can extend, rework, and use Angular JS Community-driven project to build components for Angular-based apps

12 Office ui fabric core Office UI Fabric Core – Styles and components
The starting place for utilizing the core design Styles Animations Brand icons Colors Icons Layout Localization Typography Utilities List of core components from Styles and component and icons

13 Office ui fabric core - examples
Icons <i class="ms-Icon ms-Icon--Mail" aria-hidden="true"></i> Layout Grids – responsive Animation <div class="ms-u-slideRightIn10">This content will slide in.</div>

14 Office ui fabric JS / REACT
Office UI Fabric JS – Interactions Add UI interactions with Office UI Fabric JS Panels, Dialogs, Callouts, and much more Components Breadcrumb Button Callout Checkbox ChoiceGroup ColorPicker CommandBar ContextualMenu DatePicker DetailsList Dialog Overlay Panel Persona Pickers PeoplePicker Pivot ProgressIndicator Rating SearchBox Slider Spinner TextField Toggle DocumentCard Dropdown Facepile GroupedList Image Label Layer Link List MessageBar Nav

15 Office ui fabric JS - example

16 Adding office ui fabric to your next project

17 Office ui fabric integration methods
Using Office UI Fabric Simplest method to connect to Fabric – call Fabric CSS / JS <link rel="stylesheet" href=" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href=" /> <script src=" If you are using NodeJS npm --save install office-ui-fabric office-ui-fabric-js office-ui-fabric-react Then link to your source Download the source and include in toolchain Update gulpfile.js to include components

18 Office ui fabric integration with SharePoint
Using Office UI Fabric in SharePoint Obtain source if including or customizing Fabric direct in project Update the Master Page Less ideal as custom master pages are not recommended Alternative CSS / JavaScript Embed Install via PnP / Feature Framework / PowerShell Include link / script tags in custom webparts / customizations SharePoint Framework includes pre-integration

Look to download and include UI Fabric in toolchain of custom webpart project Webpart may be a part of the previous demo

20 Office ui fabric react

21 Office ui fabric react Office UI Fabric React
Office UI Fabric pre-integrated with React Community project exists for combining with AngularJS Native to SharePoint Framework Pre-included in yeoman template, no need for special tricks Just “include” and go Where Microsoft Office UI Fabric team appears to be spending effort i.e. Fabric React more robust than Fabric JS

Start up a spfx webpart (how about task list demo) Could also use a native SP implementation using a CEWP for basic code, JS Embed for including react and rest

23 Make Office ui fabric your own

24 Extend Office ui fabric
Improve UI Fabric with your own requirements UI Fabric built on open source tooling NodeJS, gulp, etc Can easily add your own components Enhanced styles JS Components UI Fabric updates are often though, be mindful of customizations May lose custom code if not careful with updates

Create the custom dialog that is fluid / centered

26 recommendations Learn by doing Move to React / Angular
Get started now Move to React / Angular A rendering engine gets to closer to SPFx Watch for updates, they keep coming New styles, controls and more Look at examples for what controls are possible You will find ideas you hadn’t considered

27 REVIEW Office UI Fabric Overview Include UI Fabric in Projects
Utilizing and Extending UI Fabric UI Fabric and the SharePoint Framework

28 resources Demos

29 Office UI Fabric
Office UI Fabric JS GitHub: Office UI Fabric Core GitHub: Office UI Fabric React GitHub: Office UI Fabric JS React Quickstart Presentation Source code Provisioning with PnP PowerShell

30 Use Office UI Fabric React to Build Beauty with SharePoint

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