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Spaced learning and retrieval practice for robust learning

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1 Spaced learning and retrieval practice for robust learning
#QERLI17   Spaced learning and retrieval practice for robust learning what, who, why, where, when and how/outcomes Shane Lindsay, Programme Director, Psychology, School of Life Sciences

2 z-test and introduction to t-test
Law of disuse z-test and introduction to t-test Ebbinghaus 1885 Forgetting more rapidly soon after learning and decays over time “use it or lose it” Thorndike

3 Technique Utility Spaced learning High Retrieval practice
Summarization Low Highlighting Rereading (Dunlosky et al., 2013)

4 Two high utility ways to enhance memory
Spaced learning Learning spaced out over time 2) Retrieval practice Effortful active testing Combined: Spaced Retrieval Practice Lindsay & Gaskell (2013)

5 Roediger and Karpicke (2006)
Short educational texts on science topics Recall as many ideas as possible from the text Roediger and Karpicke (2006)


7 Ways of integrating spaced retrieval into curriculum
Spaced retrieval integrated into summative assessment with Canvas MCQ

8 Ways of integrating spaced retrieval into curriculum
Spaced retrieval integrated into summative assessed with Canvas MCQ Spaced retrieval in formative assessment

9 Q: Hypothesis testing Q: Hypothesis testing
A p-value is the chance of getting a tes statistic as extreme as that observed, if the null hypothesis is ____ The smaller the p-value, the greater the evidence for/against null hypothesis Results are statistically significant if the p-value is less than the _________ level If the p-value < . ___ , then the alternative hypothesis is supported, otherwise you should _____ null hypothesis

10 Ways of integrating spaced retrieval into curriculum
Spaced learning and testing integrated into summative assessment Spaced testing in formative assessment Being explicit about module design and study strategies

11 Ways of integrating spaced retrieval into curriculum
Spaced learning and testing integrated into summative assessment Spaced testing in formative assessment Being explicit about module design and study strategies


13 Ways of integrating spaced retrieval into curriculum
Spaced learning and testing integrated into summative assessment Spaced testing in formative assessment Being explicit about course design and study strategies

14 Further reading Dunlosky, John, Katherine A. Rawson, Elizabeth J. Marsh, Mitchell J. Nathan, and Daniel T. Willingham. "Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational psychology." (2013) Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14, 1.

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