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Do you prefer to live in a peaceful world?

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2 Do you prefer to live in a peaceful world?

3 But there’re always things against people’s wishes
theft (盗窃)

4 9.11 terrorist attack —— terrorism

5 What other kind of crimes do you know?
Discussion What other kind of crimes do you know? kidnapping murder Violence burglary ……

6 Panda joss-stick virus(熊猫烧香病毒)

7 Fight against cybercrime
M10 Unit 4 Reading Fight against cybercrime

8 Fast reading Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions .

9 According to the Council of Europe, how many types of cybercrime are there?
There are four types of cybercrime. 2. How many companies and government agencies were surveyed by the Computer Security Institute? 351 companies and government departments were surveyed. 3. What is the solution to cybercrime? The only solution is international cooperation.

10 Detailed reading Task one
Analyze the structure of the article and summarize main idea of each part.

11 Main idea of each part Part I (1-2) Part II (3-5) Part III (6) Part IV (7-8) The d_______ and different t______ of cybercrime efinition ypes The extent of the problem The legal s_______ regarding cybercrime ituation The s______ to the problem olution

12 Detailed reading Task two
Analyze each part one by one

13 Part I (1-2) The definition and different types of cybercrime
Details Part I (1-2) The definition and different types of cybercrime 1. Para. 1 This paragraph mainly gives a brief introduction of _______________. cybercrime

14 Part I (1-2) The definition and different types of cybercrime
Details Part I (1-2) The definition and different types of cybercrime 2.. What is the meaning of cybercrime? 3. Can you name some examples of cybercrime? It refers to any criminal offence related to the Internet. 1. downloading or deleting other people’s file without permission, and spreading computer viruses. 2. some criminals use the Internet to cheat people of their money. 3. websites with offensive information or websites that encourage hatred and violence. 4. those offences related to intellectual property.

15 Part II (3-5) The extent of the problem
1.Is cybercrime a serious problem? 2.According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime? 3.What damages does cybercrime cause? Yes All Internet users are affected by cybercrime in one way or another Most people have received computer viruses, and many have been the targets of s that try to cheat them of money. Many companies and government agencies had had their security system broken into

16 Part II (3-5) The extent of the problem
4.Little is known about cybercrime because _________. A. the situation is really too bad B. many companies are unwilling to report the cases C. companies fear they will lose customers D. companies are sure they can protect their customers’ money 以阅读理解题型设置的形式,了解人们对网络犯罪知之甚少的原因,其实也是对本段落主题的高度概括。

17 Part III(6): The legal situation regarding cybercrime
One1.______ reason It is further complicated by the legal situation regarding cybercrime The present 2._______ situation about cybercrime Many governments 3._________ passed laws, leaving many4. _________ in their legal system. Some have laws against traditional crimes 5_______ others have no laws at all. Most countries don’t have arrangements for dealing with 6.___________ cybercriminals. 8._________ It is of 7.___________to catch cybercriminals. more haven’t holes legal while 以任务型阅读的形式了解本段落的细节和主要细节。 foreign Conclusion difficulty

18 Part IV The solution to the problem
Only by international cooperation can we s______ this problem. These criminals p______ the best technical skills in the world, m_______ that governments must join their f_________ to keep up. The UN is also required to form a special a_____ to act. olve ossess eaning orces gency

19 Consolidation Task1: Read carefully and choose the right answers.

20 A. Educating people who use computers.
Choose the best answer. 1. Which one of the measures will NOT be taken to prevent online crimes? A. Educating people who use computers. B. Seeking international cooperation. C. Passing laws. D. Preventing people from using the Internet.

21 2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. As the Internet develops, more kinds of crimes happen B. Cybercriminals are easily caught. C. Cybercrime has nothing to do with the real life. D. Cybercrimes are mostly committed by common surfers.

22 3. What is the present situation regarding cybercrime?
A. Cybercrime is so new that the legal systems in many countries remain to be improved. B. All the countries have passed laws against cybercrime. C. It is easier to catch cybercriminals in Europe because visas are not required. D. All the governments are working together and cooperatively against cybercrime.

23 4. Which of the following should not be included in cybercrime?
A. Crimes related to a lack of proper Internet security B. that try to cheat them of money C. Creating websites with offensive information D. Theft 5. Which of the following is not one of the necessary ways to fight against the cybercrime? A. Cooperation B. Legal system C. Visa management D. Improving online software

24 6. Which of the following is most important compared to other ways to fight against the cybercrime?
A. Sound legal system B. International cooperation C. Tight Internet rules D. Visa management

25 Task2:Task-based reading
1.topic/ theme 6.Reasons 2.Definition/Meaning 7. fear 3. Categories/ Types /Classification 8.specific/relevant 4. encouraging important/effective 5. affected spreading

26 Step 4 Language points

27 1.Difficult sentence structure:
后置定语 1.Difficult sentence structure: 同位语 A survey conducted in 2010 by the Computer Security Institute, a private organization in the USA, showed that 45.6 per cent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies had had their security system broken into in the previous year.(L27-30) ( ) have + something + done 宾语从句 比尔的钱包在火车站被偷了 _________________________________ Bill had his wallet stolen at the train station.

28 Considering how bad the situation with cybercrime against companies has become, many people wonder why so little is known about this L34 considering:词性/词义__________ prep./conj.考虑到 1.考虑到天气,我们相当快地到达了那儿。 _________________________________ Considering the weather, we got here quite quickly. 2. 考虑到他英语只学了一年,他说得很好了。 ____________________________________ Considering he has only been learning English a year, he speaks it very well.

29 All of this is made more difficult by the legal
situation regarding cybercrime L40 Prep. 关于 regarding:  词性/词义:_______________ 这家公司关于它的就业政策正受到质疑。 __________________________________ The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy.

30 2. Note-taking 1. as well L2 2. refer to L7 3. be related to L7
4. classify--- into L8 5. a lack of L9 6. commit crime L11 7. cheat sb. of L12 8. prevent sb. from L16 9. ripe targets L25 10. conduct a survey L27

31 11. break into L29 12. be unwilling to L37 13. confidential information L39 14. in addition L44 15 the only answer to this problemL49 16. keep up (with ) L51 17. take steps (measures) to L54 18. no doubt L58 19. work together L61

32 Step5:当堂检测

33 1.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _________ his notes.
A.bringing up B.referring to C.looking for D.trying on 2. The job referred to just now is regarded as great ____ salary. It has disadvantages, though. A. relating B. in case of C. regarding D. except for I heard that someone _____ your house last night. Have the policemen caught him? ---- No, they haven’t. But fortunately , I didn’t lose anything important. A. broke in B. broke into C. broke off D. broke down Multiple choice

34 4._____ with a difficult situation, he didn’t lose heart but kept up his courage to approach the matter. A. Faced B. To face C. Having faced D. Facing 5. Will you slow down a bit .please? I can’t _________you. A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up for D. hold on to

35 Complete the following English sentences
1.We are going to the cinema tonight, ________________________(你为什么不也一起去呢?) 2.The progress of society is __________________________________(济发展密切相关的). 3. ____________________(一项调查正在进行中) into children’s attitudes towards violence on televisions why don’t you come along as well closely related to the development of economy A survey is being conducted

36 4. _____________________(这个问题的唯一答案) is international cooperation
The only answer to this problem 4. _____________________(这个问题的唯一答案) is international cooperation 5. _______________________(必须采取措施) to prevent the local people from destroying the cultural relics. 6. __________________(考虑到他自己年纪大了),the manager has decided to hand over his business to his son. Steps (Measures) must be taken Considering that he is old

37 2.There is __________ that the 2008 Olympic Games will be successful.
refer to in recent years classify--- into break into keep up no doubt in addition work together as well as be involved in 1.If you meet with some new words that affect your understanding, you’d better ___________ a dictionary. 2.There is __________ that the 2008 Olympic Games will be successful. 3.When they came back from work, the family found their house __________ and money stolen. 4.In face of difficulty or danger, you should _______ your courage. 5. He is now running his own research company—that’s ________ to his job at the university. refer to no doubt broken into keep up in addition

38 8.China has been creating a harmonious society _____________.
refer to in recent years classify--- into break into keep up no doubt in addition work together as well as be involved in involved in 6.I never imagined that I might be _________ such a trying matter. Now I really don’t know how to get rid of it. 7.Poverty-relief can be realized if all the nations now __________ to develop their own economy. 8.China has been creating a harmonious society _____________. 9.Librarians always ________ books in libraries_______ different categories in order for readers to find them. 10. The organization encourages members to meet on a regular basis, _________ providing them with financial support. working together in recent years classify into as well as

39 Homework Write a composition about cybercrime: how it comes into being; why there is cybercrime; how to solve the problem.

40 Thanks !

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