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A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC A.L. Perrot – TS/LEA/int LEMIC

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Presentation on theme: "A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC A.L. Perrot – TS/LEA/int LEMIC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Installation, storage and removal of the TAN detectors during the LHC operation
A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC A.L. Perrot – TS/LEA/int LEMIC 20/03/2007

2 Installation – e.g. LHCf on 15 January 2007
Holding of the detector towards the TAN slot Insertion inside the slot ( guide lines) Insertion inside the slot Removal of the threaded rod A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

3 Installation – e.g. BRAN housing on 22 January 2007
Holding of the detector towards the TAN slot Removal of the threaded rod Insertion inside the slot A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

4 Comments of Radioprotection team
- SC/RP agreed use of forklift for start-up installation and low luminosity run (L<1030 cm-2 s-1) - for higher doses rates => - study to optimise the intervention - remote procedure study Contact with TS/IC/IS (K.Kershaw) in charge of the remote handling for the LHC element 120 A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

5 Installation of the detectors - run scenario
Point 1 LHCf : Phase-1: Parasitic running during LHC commissioning at L< 1030 cm-2 s-1 (radiation hardness => LHCf removed when L=1030 cm-2 s-1) Phase 2: Parasitic running with TOTEM (L=10 28 cm-2 s-1) (radiation hardness => LHCf removed at the end of the run) BRAN: Installation before LHC closure - run during all LHC lifetime ATLAS ZDC: Low L pp runs (“removed for pp run at L>1033 cm-2 s-1 “) + heavy ions runs Point 5 CMS ZDC: Low L pp runs (1033 cm-2 s-1) + heavy ions runs LHCf, ATLAS ZDC, CMS ZDC => installs./removals during LHC runs BRAN= always in the TANs A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

6 Parameter evolution and rates
All values for nominal emittance, 7TeV and 10m * in points 2 and 8 Parameters Beam levels Rates in 1 and 5 Rates in 2 (and 8) kb N * 1,5 (m) Ibeam proton Ebeam (MJ) Luminosity (cm-2s-1) Events/ crossing 43 4 1010 11 2 << 1 0.15 0.76 156 7 9 1010 16 3.9 0.77 936 42 0.73 6 1010 63 1.6 0.34 1 94 2808 126 0.72 5 1010 157 2.1 0.24 0.55 3.6 A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC R. Bailey talk at the ‘joint LHC Machine – Experiments workshop on very forward detectors’, CERN, 25/01/2007

7 LHC run scenarios considered in our studies
(conservative scenarios from the point of view of the radiation environment) First year (scenario 1) Lpeak=2.9x1032 cm-2 s-1 (b*=2m, 75ns operation, Np/bunch=6x1010); 133 days of collisions e for physics =40% (LEP data) If everything is going well: 25 ns operation, b*=1m and Np/bunch=5x1010 => Lmax = 1.1x1033 cm-2 s-1 at the end of the run 2nd year (scenario 2) Lpeak=1.9x1033 cm-2 s-1 ( (b*=0.55m, 25ns operation, Np/bunch=5x1010); 160 days of collisions e for physics =40% After the collimators phase II and the completion of the dump syst. (scenario 3) Lpeak= Lnominal= 1034 cm-2 s-1 => 53 days of physics => 64 days of physics => 64 days of physics A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

8 Detectors removal/insertion from the TAN
- Radiation hardness: ATLAS and CMS : confirmation that ZDCs can stand the 2nd year scenario for pp and HI =>ZDCs not removed until we switch to scenario 3 - Bake-out: for all detectors removal / storage underground? - LHC machine at nominal conditions: At ~ L=1033 cm-2 s-1, removal of ZDCs => Cu bars in for runs at L≥1033 cm-2 s-1 Heavy ions runs: ZDCs inserted inside TAN => removal of Cu bars - Obviously: if any problem happens with the ZDC it will have to be removed. A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

9 Radiation environment - Detectors average residual dose vs time
Averaged over tungsten LHCf Simulations by N. Mokhov 100days 100days ZDC L=1030 cm-2 s-1 L=1033 cm-2 s-1 mSv/h mSv/h!! A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

10 Radiation environment at the TAN during LHC runs
Averaged over copper bars mSv/h!! 100 days 30 days A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

11 Installation foreseen with CERN forklift
Point 1 (RI132-RI171) - Access by Pt1: Shielding between UJ13-UJ14, and between UJ16-UJ17 => forklift too large to pass - Access by Pt 2 and Pt8: =>Travel underground until TANS (study by O. Choisnet TS/MME) Courtesy of O. Choisnet (TS/MME) Pt5 (UJ53 –R571) - Access by Pt5: only a ‘normal persons’ lift => forklift too large to pass - Access by Pt4 and Pt6: =>Travel underground until TANS Forklift Detectors: via PMs? A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

12 Summary and open issues
- ZDCs & Cu bars need to be installed and removed - Dose rates according to operational scenarios : up to mSv/h => remote handling needed to reduce the dose to the personnel. Logistic: - installation foreseen with a forklift (at Pt1 lowering via pit =possible; at Pt5 not such a possibility) - long travel along cold machine and in radioactive environment - storage of detectors / Cu bars underground (where, how long time)? - possible storage of dedicated forklift in UJs/ access with detectors by Pt1 &5? A.-L. Perrot, TS/LEA-int LEMIC

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