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ETD meeting Electronic design for the barrel : Front end chip and TDC

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Presentation on theme: "ETD meeting Electronic design for the barrel : Front end chip and TDC"— Presentation transcript:

1 ETD meeting Electronic design for the barrel : Front end chip and TDC
Forward PID electronics Next steps and millestones On behalf of PID group Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

2 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
PIF : PId Front End Chip Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

3 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
Requirements Time measurement : 100ps resolution max 1MHz background rate max 50ns double pulse resolution min Charge measurement dynamic range: ~10 to 20 8 bit Charge sharing Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept 3

4 Proposal: CFD like + Charge integration
Amplifier Sample & Hold Mux To ADC (Charge output) State Machine Synchronization with TDC data Pseudo CFD To TDC (SCATS chip) (discrimination signal) Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept 4

5 CFD first simulation  Delay + Fraction  Gain + Integrators
Fast comparator Classical CFD Proposed pseudo CFD Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting H. Lebbolo – V. Tocut, SuperB Workshop, Frascati 09/2010 Sept 5

6 PID Time measurement chip
SCATS PID Time measurement chip Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

7 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
SCATS Designed on a existing basis: SNATS chip (linearity, resolution.. Match the PID req.) Expected dead time: 50ns (Matches the background input max frequency with a large safety factor) Instantaneous Dead time ~50ns Readout dead time Output Max speed~20 MHz Push the data Readout: Number of data words per event Readout frequency per channel (All channels fired) ,25 MHz ,5 MHz MHz Max readout frequency per channel (only one channel fired) MHz MHz MHz Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

8 Front end Upgrade: current status
scheme, simulation & layout : done Gray encoder Input channel inhibit scheme, simulation: done - layout : almost done Synchronizer (Matching between DLL & counter) Readout bus for the time registers : To be done Power supply rails optimization Input signal polarity selection LVDS receivers optimization Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

9 Readout Upgrade: current status
Up to now: targeted in a Actel family FPGA in order to have a first post synthese evaluation of the performance . first level simulation Next steps readout behavior simulation with : 50 ns input dead time ( max expected performance ) 40 KHz readout frequency per channel 80 MHz deasy chain readout scrutation 150 KHz input noise with the good distribution law… Comportemental behavior model ( Verilog, C. VHDL ) Gate level simulation of one complete channel (fine + coarse TDC + readout) Integration of a 2nd gray counter ( SEU) Output fifo bypass in test mode Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

10 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
16 channels / 2 words Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

11 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
Milestones RAM design: Ram size : 16 bits x 1 up to 4 words per event x 16 or 32 or … events per channel . The size has to be defined very soon to order the Ram to the vendor and start the design with Cadence design kit. available within a few days as soon as the configurations are chosen. Submission: Shared wafer in a dedicated run (with IRFFU): very end of Dec ~ Jan 2011 or MPW run: beginning of Dec. 2010 1rst proto: 3 months later Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

12 Mother board for the Fblocks
Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

13 Electronics for the CRT
Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

14 Electronics for the CRT
A synchronous sixteen channel acquisition system based on 8 two-channel WaveCatcher V5 boards and a controller board has been built for the Two Bar test at SLAC. The system works with a common clock. It is synchronized with the rest of the CRT Data acquisition is based on 480Mbits/s USB. Trig out CH0 CH1 Clk in Trig in USB Clk out Ext trig in 36dB Amp 8 Ext trig out Clock and control board 16 amplifiers DAQ PC From QTZ3 USB hub 8 USB WaveCatcher V5 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

15 The USB WaveCatcher board V5
USB interface => 480Mbits/s Pulsers for reflectometry applications Reference clock: 200MHz => 3.2GS/s Board has to be USB powered => power consumption < 2.5W 1.5 GHz BW amplifier. µ USB Trigger input 2 analog inputs. DC Coupled. Clock input Trigger output +5V Jack plug Trigger fast discriminators SAM Chip Dual 12-bit ADC Cyclone FPGA Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

16 Clock and control board (2)
USB interface => 480Mbits/s Zero jitter clock buffer Clock outputs Trig outputs µ USB Trigger Input (NIM) Trigger Output (NIM) +5V Jack plug Pulse output Trig inputs Reference clock: 200MHz Cyclone FPGA Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

17 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
…. An extension of the WaveCatcher system up to 16 channels has been realised (hardware + software) Cosmic data taking has already started on the two bars at SLAC, in coincidence with the CRT data (20th sept) A second 16-channel system for PMT test bench at LAL will be installed. A new 16-channel board, housing USB and high speed optical link, which will permit an easy upscaling of the number of channels is under study. Time measurements showed that even between different boards, there was still 10ps rms of time precision. Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

18 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
Experimental setup Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

19 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting

20 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting

21 FARICH prototype status
Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

22 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting

23 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting

24 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
Next steps Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

25 Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting
Next Steps PID Barrel: PIF: ongoing design – 1rst prototype: middle of 2011 SCATS Submission: end of 2010 – 1rst prototype in April 2011. Mother board to be developped. TOF: Data taking continues … Characterization of the Mapmt in Jerry’lab. ( scanning with laser ) A new 16-channel board, housing USB and high speed optical link. A second 16-channel system for PMT test bench at LAL will be installed. FARICH: R&D goes on. Limited by the lack of electronic readout system Christophe Beigbeder ETD meeting Sept

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